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  1. #11
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Well I just received a razor which was advertised as 'no chips', but it not only had a visible chip, but also one that was a beginning of a crack (clearly seen under a microscope). I've emailed the seller and we'll see what happens. I certainly don't think the seller noticed it

    But in the original poster's thread I don't think 'being taken is' the right description. The price was low and the seller doesn't seem like they were trying to cheat anybody. The seller's opinion was that the razor is not suitable for shaving, the buyer's opinion was that in fact it is. If I am to decide on this case I'd decide in favor of the seller. And when all sellers start covering their behinds by stating that their razors are for decoration only, the prices will drop and the descriptions may improve, as then the buyers will have to ask explicitly if there are chips or cracks on the blade.

    I am certainly going to include 'cracks' in my inquiries - these seem to be rare, but this is the second time in the last two weeks that I've gotten a razor with a crack.

  2. #12
    Senior Member mastermute's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smythe View Post
    What if all sellers of vintage razors start stating "razor is not for shaving... just for looks" to cover there a$$...
    Well, that is certainly a risk. ebay [and internet trading in general] is based on an honour system. Actually, I know that in germany people sell perfectly brand new stuff on ebay as "defunct", just to cover their asses from european consumer law. I bought a Webasto heater this way. It IS caveat emptor if you choose to go through with such a deal. And I'd rather have that and make my own judgement than being ripped off by poor descriptions and photos...
    Last edited by mastermute; 05-16-2008 at 07:06 AM.

  3. #13
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    I think the buyer took a gamble based on the item's photo and description if the buyer intended to eventually shave with it. I wouldn't feel bad to bring it to the seller's attention though if I was heartbroken just to see if there was anything the seller would be willing to do.
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  4. #14
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    What if all sellers of vintage razors start stating "razor is not for shaving... just for looks" to cover there a$$...


    They won't do that because they won't make any money. Their main goal is a high price, not to cover their ass.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Um....yeah, what you said about that empty caviar thing.....


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