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07-05-2008, 05:51 PM #1
taylors1000 9 more razors on ebay
For those who haven’t seen them yet!
I have 9 razors listed on ebay with some more to list next week!
I think the Tuckmar is especially nice & The Crown & Sword is quite unusual!
I will discount the postage for any SRP member who wins one & combine postage if you win more! Send me a Question on the listing & I can add a note!
eBay listings
Tony H
07-05-2008, 08:01 PM #2
+1 on including an SRP link in your ebay listings.
07-06-2008, 01:10 AM #3
between you, Ebay and Butch showing off his new prototypes, I don't know how much overtime to put in for this hobby.
Roasting coffee is inexpensive compared to this.
At least until I find the right roaster. Presently looking for a 3-7 kg roaster. Then I can send samples to you guys selling razors and get you addicted!