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Thread: Ducks anybody ?

  1. #11
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    You know, it's kind of ridiculous that the guy was asking $2000 and didn't have the sense to include more than a single low resolution photo. If he's asking that kind of money, it's seems fairly obvious that he should spring for the price of more photos and given that he full well knows that he is selling to people who are going to want to see close ups of each razor, he should have just done that in the first place. The fact that he didn't makes me wonder what he's hiding.

  2. #12
    Just one more lap... FloorPizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    You know, it's kind of ridiculous that the guy was asking $2000 and didn't have the sense to include more than a single low resolution photo. If he's asking that kind of money, it's seems fairly obvious that he should spring for the price of more photos and given that he full well knows that he is selling to people who are going to want to see close ups of each razor, he should have just done that in the first place. The fact that he didn't makes me wonder what he's hiding.
    Yeah, exactly.. .Like detailed pictures of each and every razor. I'd actually be interested if there *were* detailed photos of each and every blade. *But* since there's no detailed pics, hardly any description, and the fact that he's asking a King's ransom... I'll look elsewhere.

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