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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Unbelievable ! As bad, check out the seller's other items. He has a Puma Gold up and it is at $610. Probably the same guy as high bidder. At least the same amount of feedback as the high bidder on the DD.
    yea, i really wanted that Gold and i set a price when i went to bed and thought that i would get up in the morning i would put the bid in.
    Wow, $610 was the first thing i saw,, damn

    that bidder buys a lot of stuff , some dude called , ooh better not put his username in case it's not the thing to do .. he's not a member here is he?

    Quote Originally Posted by Leighton View Post
    And I feel like I got conned.
    and NO Leighton, you can't have it back
    and you probably saw how much that W&B went for as well right

  2. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Somethings fishy there. The in box sealed from the owner of the company went for less. That's really not even a mint razor it was restored. Who knows what it originally looked like.

    If I was going to spend that much for one of those (and I never would) it had better be in a sealed box with the original wrappings on it with Pearlson's fingerprints on it.

    I might be thebigspendur but I ain't no fool. Imagine the sucker who bought that, what would he pay for a restored grim reaper har, har.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #13
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    unreal... that seller is printing his own lottery tickets... who is buying these? did someone mess up and put in an extra zero on their max bid?

  4. #14
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leighton View Post

  5. #15
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Unbelievable ! As bad, check out the seller's other items. He has a Puma Gold up and it is at $610. Probably the same guy as high bidder. At least the same amount of feedback as the high bidder on the DD.
    Yea, I saw both auctions earlier. I just shook my head. Where is it going?

    I was remarking to some friends and family members about collecting str8 razors. I was telling them that IMO someday in the future, these razors are going to start getting scarce (the old ones from the 1800's) and I'll bet they are going to be worth big bucks....... - Well, maybe it's starting earlier than I thought. Of course, they are not scarce right now - but maybe this is just the hand writing on the wall.


  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del1r1um View Post
    unreal... that seller is printing his own lottery tickets... who is buying these? did someone mess up and put in an extra zero on their max bid?
    i think the buyer is a member in B&B.
    he's pretty much bought everything under the sun.
    he's also got a pretty mint Puma special which he bought for $340 about a month back.
    he's spent $1000 on 2 pumas

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joeman View Post
    Wow, just saw that. Jimmy, you have followed these longer than I have, what's the highest you've seen them go for? Nice looking though!

    I've seen a minty Puma Gold sell in the $400 to $450 range and a Wonderedge in the $300 to $400 range on the high side but this is out of the ordinary. Reminds me of the Filarmonicas the seller out of Spain had up some months ago. They were hitting new highs for awhile . I think it is a perfect storm kind of thing. You get too extremely enthusiastic newcomers to RAD and they fight it out to the last decimel point.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I've seen a minty Puma Gold sell in the $400 to $450 range and a Wonderedge in the $300 to $400 range on the high side but this is out of the ordinary. Reminds me of the Filarmonicas the seller out of Spain had up some months ago. They were hitting new highs for awhile . I think it is a perfect storm kind of thing. You get too extremely enthusiastic newcomers to RAD and they fight it out to the last decimel point.
    This dude, bought both the Gold and Wonderedge.. $1300 for 2
    and i don't think he's a newcomer, coz his join date to ebay was in 2001.
    an i too remember that Filarmonicas out of spain and interestly i do recall that it could well be the same buyer again (not sure though)

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Somethings fishy there. The in box sealed from the owner of the company went for less. That's really not even a mint razor it was restored. Who knows what it originally looked like.

    If I was going to spend that much for one of those (and I never would) it had better be in a sealed box with the original wrappings on it with Pearlson's fingerprints on it.

    I might be thebigspendur but I ain't no fool. Imagine the sucker who bought that, what would he pay for a restored grim reaper har, har.
    As far as those razors being restored...I think he just used the same description on all his listings. I sold him the Puma Gold a few months ago, and it certainly did not need restoration (or honing for that matter) when I sent it off to him.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Vashaver's Avatar
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    Its way way out of my range and when it comes to ducks,pumas and just mint razors in general I hardly if ever bid on them on ebay. I can have ALOT of nice razors for that price.
    Whats next? Henckels maybe after this run of NOS blankes stop showing up Vintage Hencks Fridurs have really went up in the past year. It seems anything with no piting and some shine gos well past 50$ even odd names. The end is not in sight!

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