Seriously, why don't we band together to improve things? really, we complain that the big blades for instance are going for ASStronomical sums. I've seen 4-6 w&b over 1" go in the last month I'd say. all go outrageous high. but it seems many many of these are bought by forum members!!! come on guys, we're bidding against each other, hurting ourselves.

there has to be a better way man. if nobody pays those prices they'll come down. I'm watching one over 1" right now, has some staining it looks like but pretty nice, w&b (I'm now convinced the larger blades from other makers are worth more, I see many of the butchers). the way it is, it isn't WORTH more than about 150 I'd guess. I'm bidding lower because it isn't a deal otherwise.

am I crazy? are we not an honest enough group that if we were looking at one and said okay, so and so gets the shot this time, people here would still bid against them?

or do you all generally dislike the idea of trying to bring the market, which it seems is a lot of us, under control?
