Well gents, there seem to be a lot of opinions on how to handle this....I can definitely understand the value of sniping, but for one thing I don't know how to set up a sniper for this particular auction site, and for another thing, I think in general it's probably just best to decide how much I'd be willing to pay and set my max bid there, then let the site itself handle everything else. So far, no one else has bid on this one (which is driving me nuts...am I missing something? Or is everyone else just waiting for the last minute?) so I might get lucky like I did on the Dovo.

The trouble is, the maximum I'd be willing to pay FOR THIS PARTICULAR AUCTION is a bit more than my budget will allow at the mo', not to mention more than I'd be willing to wrangle over with my wife. But for now, my bid is in, and it's beefy enough to withstand some sniping, and there we go. We'll see what happens in a little over two days.

If I win, not only will I have some eye candy but some restoration projects with a LOT of potential. Yeah, this one is all about the potential...