But see, you ARE on your way to some new acquisition disorders since you've mentioned you've met Ms. Buff and Ms. Polish. Next thing you know you'll be more interested in working on acquiring shop equipment, etc. That's been my cure for RAD. If I had to choose between bidding on another razor or instead using the money to purchase the materials to erect a 9' high x 21" long wall to once and for all enclose my shop area, razor schmazor. At this point I want to make meself a shaving tool rather than buy another one; unless of course the deal I see (like you at antique shops, etc) is just too good to pass up!

Chris L

Quote Originally Posted by Joed View Post
Mr EBay and Mr Paypal, thanks for the ride but it's over! It's been quite a while since I visited Mr EBay and Mr Paypal except for a couple of extremely low purchases. I've found a few new mistresses that have gained my attention. They are antique shops and flea markets! Much better prices!

I promised myself that after this weekend I would dismiss these mistresses and see if they still look interesting come spring. Now, thanks to a phone call over the weekend and cooler temperatures just around the corner, I will be courting a couple of new mistresses named buff and polish. Dang it! Some day this will end and I will be on to a completely new AD, but it doesn't look like it will be any time soon.