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  1. #1
    26. Hatter Engaging in Rhetoric Mijbil's Avatar
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    Default what grind is this blade?

    Is this a 3/4 hollow? My eye is not yet that developed. Appreciate the help, all! (And if, while you're at it, anyone feels like adding how much they think this is worth....)

    here's the pic, thanks to Alan II:

    puma vintage straight edge razor... very collectible - eBay (item 160406488239 end time Feb-26-10 16:43:19 PST)
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    Last edited by Mijbil; 02-22-2010 at 03:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    Looks more like a half or even quarter-hollow from the fourth pic. Bit hard to say for sure (for me) from that angle. To upload pictures, click Go Advanced and then from that window, Manage Attachments. This'll bring up another window with a table of acceptable formats/maximum sizes. Upload the picture and it appears in your post.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to AlanII For This Useful Post:

    Mijbil (02-22-2010)

  4. #3
    Brad Maggard Undream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlanII View Post
    Looks more like a half or even quarter-hollow from the fourth pic
    +1 to this. I imagine this blade will feel fairly stiff. Looks like a decent amount of steel. Nice razor.

  5. #4
    W&B, Torrey, Filarmonica fanboy FatboySlim's Avatar
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    I agree, the third picture in that listing showing the Puma's blade hefty profile and the graceful shoulderless grind made me immediately think of the Le Grelot 1/4 grind (pic below for comparison). That Puma is a beautiful razor, I haven't seen one like that before. I love the etch on it too, Pumas have such class.

  6. #5
    26. Hatter Engaging in Rhetoric Mijbil's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Is there some way to measure the hollow, or some rule of thumb? Or is it just getting a rough sense of what the different grings are from seeing enough / guessing what 1/4 or 1/2 hollowed out would be, "fractionally"?

    Also, Undream: by "looks like a decent amount of steel" do you mean the overall amount of steel / blade thickness, or just how thick it is toward the edge (compared with the thinness of a HG at that point)?

    Thanks again.

  7. #6
    Senior Member Miner123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mijbil View Post
    Thanks guys. Is there some way to measure the hollow, or some rule of thumb? Or is it just getting a rough sense of what the different grings are from seeing enough / guessing what 1/4 or 1/2 hollowed out would be, "fractionally"?

    Also, Undream: by "looks like a decent amount of steel" do you mean the overall amount of steel / blade thickness, or just how thick it is toward the edge (compared with the thinness of a HG at that point)?

    Thanks again.
    This should help:
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