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Thread: Gillette Swedes

  1. #1
    RKP is offline
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    Default Gillette Swedes

    I just scored some Gillette Swedes on ebay. I have been looking for them a long time. I always wanted to try them as I do have some of the other Gillette Platinums in my stash of blades.



  2. #2
    Senior Member alabamalawyer's Avatar
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    Nice grab. The Swedes are my favorite DE blade!

  3. #3
    RKP is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by alabamalawyer View Post
    Nice grab. The Swedes are my favorite DE blade!
    Thanks I seen em and had to buy em. I have been looking for the swedes for a while and never had them. They are not easy to get I have some of the UK Surrey blades as well. I have several vintage blades including the fantastic Personna 74. The Schick plus platinums are fantastic too.

    I normally do not spend that kind of money for blades, but these are worth it I think.


  4. #4
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RKP View Post
    I just scored some Gillette Swedes on ebay. I have been looking for them a long time. I always wanted to try them as I do have some of the other Gillette Platinums in my stash of blades.


    Hi there,

    Yeah, I like those blades myself, and until a few years ago I'd alternate between those and a Feather. I didn't like paying the 80 cents for em at the time, but the right blade is the right blade.

    A long time ago, a former shaving forum owner named Giovanni was responsible for introducing many DE users to the Iridium blade. He sold lots of blades we'd never heard of, and he used em and reviewed those that he tried. That was a big help, and I found I preferred the Iridiums over the Swedes. Sold all the Swedes I had at the time and never looked back.

    I agree that the Personna 74 is another excellent long lasting blade, and the old English Wilkinsons aren't far behind. I'd be curious as to how you found the Swedes compared to the Iridium. If you haven't tried one of those I can send a couple out.


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    Nice score, buddy!

  7. #6
    RKP is offline
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    Hi Martin:

    Thanks. I am aware of that web site of Giovanni. He sold a lot of nice blades... Thanks for the offer of trying those Iridiums, but I already have some. They are a a fantastic blade I really like them quite a bit. They are not easy to get and are a bit expensive, but worth it. If I recall they are made in St. Petersburg...

    Feather is a fantastic blade for me as well, however they are quite sharp. They are expensive as you said 80 cents a blade. Yes .I have some of those really fine Wilkinson Sword from the 60's and 70's also a few newer NOS of recent production before they quit making in UK..

    Funny thing I recall buying in the early 80's those red plastic disposables Wilkinson Sword made from UK. I remember how great the shaves were and sharp much better then the cheapo ones. Does anyone else remember them?

    The Bolzano DE blades I find are quite good and smooth from me. I would say are equal to some of the vintage blades I have tried.


    Quote Originally Posted by De Layne View Post
    Hi there,

    Yeah, I like those blades myself, and until a few years ago I'd alternate between those and a Feather. I didn't like paying the 80 cents for em at the time, but the right blade is the right blade.

    A long time ago, a former shaving forum owner named Giovanni was responsible for introducing many DE users to the Iridium blade. He sold lots of blades we'd never heard of, and he used em and reviewed those that he tried. That was a big help, and I found I preferred the Iridiums over the Swedes. Sold all the Swedes I had at the time and never looked back.

    I agree that the Personna 74 is another excellent long lasting blade, and the old English Wilkinsons aren't far behind. I'd be curious as to how you found the Swedes compared to the Iridium. If you haven't tried one of those I can send a couple out.


  8. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When Wilkensen first came out with the Stainless Blade they used to advertise you could get at least 10 shaves with each blade and most actually got way more. Modern blades are cheaply made and rely on the coatings to do the work. A couple shaves and the coatings are gone and the blades have to be trashed. Those very early Wilkensen's were quality made and didn't rely on coating to do the job.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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    I have one pack of the Wilkinson stainless steel.. They indeed are fine blades and give a fantastic shave. I am on 10 shaves with a Personna 74 and its still going. I agree the modern blades the quality is much less than a vintage.

    I will not be using the DE as much now that I have started using a straight razor.

    I just found more of those Wilkinson Stainless on ebay. hehehe.


    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    When Wilkensen first came out with the Stainless Blade they used to advertise you could get at least 10 shaves with each blade and most actually got way more. Modern blades are cheaply made and rely on the coatings to do the work. A couple shaves and the coatings are gone and the blades have to be trashed. Those very early Wilkensen's were quality made and didn't rely on coating to do the job.
    Last edited by RKP; 06-27-2010 at 12:03 AM.

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