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  1. #1
    Shaves with Tarantulas Ogershok's Avatar
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    Default Great scuttle for $5.00!!!

    Yeah, but there's a catch. The freaking shipping is $32.00! I suspect the seller is hoping a bidder jumps on it without looking at the outrageous shipping cost.

    Moss Scuttle Shaving Bowl By Sara Bonnyman - eBay (item 260700450930 end time Dec-06-10 06:42:07 PST)

  2. #2
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Pretty sure you can get in trouble with ebay for doing something like that.

  3. #3
    Member TeMpTiN's Avatar
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    Same guy has a Vulfix 2233 up for sale as well.
    Shipping on that is cheap at $25.
    Seems like someone is trying to get around the fees or catch a sucker.
    Shipping a for 2 Brushes and stands from china is only $10-11

  4. #4
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    Default Yup, pretty common ebay tactic...

    I hate it... I try not to buy from folks who look like they profit from shipping... I dont think its strictly against the rules though..... LOTS of chinese vendors do it, gets their auction listed at .01 with $30 shipping for a 25 item LOL....

  5. #5
    Shaves with Tarantulas Ogershok's Avatar
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    He's reduced the price to $2.99 but the shipping is still $32.00!

  6. #6
    Member TeMpTiN's Avatar
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    If this is inappropriate I apologize and please remove the post.

    Dear proshop81,

    Why such high shipping?

    - Me


    Dear Me,

    $32 shipped is a great deal for this brush. Just price it anywhere else. The shipping is 25 because eBay doesn't take a percent from shipping cost. Would you rather me price the brush at $28 and having shipping at $7? It would cost $3 more for the buyer for me to get the same amount of profit. It saves us both money.

    - proshop81

    Seller did not post the question/response for the public to see.

  7. #7
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I do not think it inappropriate to discuss this, and it brings up a valid point! Assuming(of course) that the item is actually worth the combined shipping and actual cost, then it makes no difference to the buyer. In other countries (other than the U.S. in my experience) , the tax issue is different as well as the dreaded Ebay fees, not to mention the tax burden absorbed by some buyers! It might be theoretically sound to recieve a 3 dollar item and pay tons of shipping if the levied taxes were put on the purchase price and not the shipping price? In addition, some sellers must pay levies on items exported, which could be determined by the selling price alone and not the shipping costs. This could be true with exception of items which are NOT worth the combined price. I would surely hope insurance is included, though. It seems it is all about money, as everything seems to be! Any opinions?
    Last edited by sharptonn; 12-04-2010 at 02:05 AM.

  8. #8
    Member Chelicerae's Avatar
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    I've reported the most egregious examples to eBay and have never noticed anything ever done about it. Personally, even if it's an overall good deal, I wouldn't bid on anything where it appears that the shipping cost is inflated. I'd still feel ripped off.

  9. #9
    Poor Fit
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeMpTiN View Post
    If this is inappropriate I apologize and please remove the post.

    Dear proshop81,

    Why such high shipping?

    - Me


    Dear Me,

    $32 shipped is a great deal for this brush. Just price it anywhere else. The shipping is 25 because eBay doesn't take a percent from shipping cost. Would you rather me price the brush at $28 and having shipping at $7? It would cost $3 more for the buyer for me to get the same amount of profit. It saves us both money.

    - proshop81

    Seller did not post the question/response for the public to see.
    Have to admit...bottom line, it makes long as the overall value of the item is worth it to you. Have to give the guy credit for working the loophole.

  10. #10
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    He's not working a loophole, he is violating eBay policy and is stealing.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Utopian For This Useful Post:

    HNSB (12-06-2010)

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