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Thread: If you like a smilling razor!!

  1. #41
    Opto Ergo Sum bassguy's Avatar
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    I, sir, thank you for your characterization of myself as classless. Enjoy your letter opener.

  2. #42
    Senior Member FiveOhNine's Avatar
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    Last edited by FiveOhNine; 03-04-2012 at 02:56 PM.
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    AABCDS (03-04-2012)

  4. #43
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiveOhNine View Post
    Personally I'd be more worried about the utterly classless individual buying from the forums and profiteering flipped razors on ebay than the guy who's trying to sell his handmade goods. I'd happily buy from the latter.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassguy View Post
    I, sir, thank you for your characterization of myself as classless. Enjoy your letter opener.
    Sarcasm is such delicate thing on the internet. It's hard to tell if you're being sarcastic or just rude to FiveOhNine, considering you took the time to click both the "Like" and "Thanks" buttons on his post and then respond with the above quote. Maybe if smilies are used, it's easier to convey if you're joking. ie

    I don't see where his comment was directed at any one person. I do agree with him regarding forum browsers, not members, buying razors from the classifieds only to try and make a profit on the bay. But what can one do about it, that's the free market system and capitalism on display for you. There are members who have razors for sale both here in the classifieds and on the bay. I don't think anyone has a problem with that. On the other hand, there is one seller who does buy beat-up razors, restores them, hones to shave readiness, and then either auctions them or has a BIN price. I don't fault the guy for wanting a return with a profit for his hard work.

    Why would anyone buy a letter opener on the bay when you can get one at your neighborhood box store for about $2?
    Last edited by ReardenSteel; 03-05-2012 at 03:18 AM.
    Martin103 likes this.
    Why doesn't the taco truck drive around the neighborhood selling tacos & margaritas???

  5. #44
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReardenSteel View Post
    Sarcasm is such delicate thing on the internet. It's hard to tell if you're being sarcastic or just rude to FiveOhNine, considering you took the time to click both the "Like" and "Thanks" buttons on his post and then respond with the above quote. Maybe if smilies are used, it's easier to convey if you're joking. ie

    I don't see where his comment was directed at any one person. I do agree with him regarding forum browers, not members, buying razors from the classifieds only to try and make a profit on the bay. But what can one do about, that's the free market system and capitalism on display for you. There are members who have razors for sale both here in the classifieds and on the bay. I don't think anyone has a problem with that. On the other hand, there is one seller who does buy beat-up razors, retores them, hones to shave readiness, and then either auctions them or has a BIN price. I don't fault the guy for wanting a return with a profit for his hard work.

    Why would anyone buy a letter opener on the bay when you can get one at your neighborhood box store for about $2?
    I must agree sarcasm or rudeness is really not meant for forums, you can express yourself in an adult way without being rude.
    Im sure all of you watched a few "youtube" videos and some of the comments are just so preposterous that it make me wonder how it it possible that they let such comments available to others to read. One is entitled to his opinion for sure, but it seems
    like a few posters are such big men behind their keyboards............. one wonders if you were in front of each other, what would
    the big men would say!
    My guess not much........
    ReardenSteel and AndrewK like this.

  6. #45
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I don't see anything more of value coming out of this thread so I'm closing it.
    vvti713 likes this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to thebigspendur For This Useful Post:

    AndrewK (03-30-2012)

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