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Thread: Why do sellers intentionally mislead buyers?

  1. #1
    Senior Member ats200's Avatar
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    Default Why do sellers intentionally mislead buyers?

    Earlier this week, I was browsing eBay and found a really nice looking Kinfolk's Blue Steel Special. The price was reasonable and it looked to be in really nice condition. By really nice, I mean it was in used condition but looked to be very well cared for.

    I really like my current Kinfolk's razor so I decided I'd buy. It was a buy-it-now auction so I jumped on it.

    The item arrived yesterday and I was really excited to open it, hone it, and give it a try. The only problem was... when I opened it, it was not even close to being in the condition pictured and described in the auction.

    I looked over the seller's photo, comparing to the item I received and it's just indisputable that it's not the same razor. If I were to guess, the razor pictured is 6/8. It is a square point, no rust, etc, and the scales seem perfect. The razor I actually received is a 5/8 round point and the scales are that ugly faded yellow color with dark stains all over. The blade itself isn't bad but has some issues around the bevel. (basically, not a razor I'd of bought if the photo was correct)

    Next, I actually "googled" Kinfolk's Blue Steel Special and found the exact photo from the auction listed on another website. Obviously the seller was too lazy to take a photo and decided that since the razors had the same markings, it was okay to use a "stock photo."

    After finding this, I contacted the seller and asked for a refund (auction was listed as no returns accepted). He tells me if it's returned in the same condition, he'll refund my money. So my question was... how do I prove this? If the item I received isn't the item pictured, how can I prove that I sent it back in the same condition? (also, looking at his feedback, someone in the past left neutral feedback because the guy promised a refund after a return and it was never issued)

    So, if it were you in this situation, how would you proceed? I only paid $30 for the item so it's not that I'll be broke if I return the item and never get my refund, but ideally, I'd like to have my refund before I send it back. After all, it was the seller who was deceiving, and it isn't just that I decided I didn't want the item for no legitimate reason.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    A judge asked "Slick Willie Sutton" why he robbed banks ....."Because that's where the money is." was the reply. I guess they want to sell their item and they have no scruples. As for the item condition and issues, if you paid with paypal you might call them and explain the issues. Send it back with a tracking # and if the guy claims it wasn't in the same condition proceed with a claim through paypal.
    ats200 likes this.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If your trying to determine size from the pic only,thats nutz,I sell alot of blades on the bay,size is always posted as I measure it.Do not think you were decieved.

  4. #4
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ats200 View Post
    So, if it were you in this situation, how would you proceed?
    I would wonder why I wasn't a little more aggressive in my initial contact with the seller, and then I'd return the razor, get my money back, file a complaint and leave negative feedback. Not out of spite but in an effort to reduce the number of people who are ripped off by the seller in the future

    Unless I thought I could resell it for more with an even better stock photo
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  5. #5
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    If your trying to determine size from the pic only,thats nutz,I sell alot of blades on the bay,size is always posted as I measure it.Do not think you were decieved.
    Hmm, From the OP:

    "If I were to guess, the razor pictured is 6/8. It is a square point, no rust, etc, and the scales seem perfect. The razor I actually received is a 5/8 round point and the scales are that ugly faded yellow color with dark stains all over. The blade itself isn't bad but has some issues around the bevel."

    Regarding the size you are quite right. It is next to impossible to determine the size on it thru the pics alone.
    Still, I would disagree with you on wether or not this ad was deceptive.

    The point is different, Round vs square.
    The condition is described as significantly different from the photos.
    It seems the seller has used a stock photo instead of actual photos of the item at hand.

    That is more than enough reason to proceed with a claim thru Paypal IMHO.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  6. #6
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    I would photograph the razor and make sure to keep both the listing photos and those of the razor, attempting to match the shots as much as possible so as to show there is no way it is the same razor. Then send it back and ask for my money back while also filing a claim with PP and Ebay.

  7. #7
    Senior Member JordanM's Avatar
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    The claims I have done with PayPal they actually wanted the item that was sold. You send the item to pay pal, they keep it and pull funds out of the sellers pay pal to give you your money back (usually with shipping included). This route the douch bag seller ends up being the one left out in the cold. It's been years since I've had to do one, so things might have changed. But this route sure beats sending it back to the guy hoping he gives you your money.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Would be great to see a link to said auction,than a pic of what was recieved,
    That way this thread would not go on forever.pretty simple IMO.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    I wonder how ebay would react if you file a dispute and give them a link to the other auction. I am sure ebay would be less than happy knowing the same item being sold on another site as well.
    If I were in your shoes I would send the seller a message through ebay telling him you're not happy and why and also tell him if he does not handle the situation to your satisfaction you are going to file a complaint with ebay and paypal and let them know why you are not happy with the item and will also tell ebay and paypal about the fact he tries to sell one item twice. And tell him you will send the other auction house a mail similar to the one ebay will receive.

    Good luck and keep us posted.
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  10. #10
    It's bloodletting with style! - Jim KindestCutOfAll's Avatar
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    If you paid with PayPal they'll make sure you get your money. You just have to follow the appeal process and give the seller time to settle.

    Another option instead of paying to ship it back, you can ask the seller to refund half of the funds.

    Of course this is only if the razor would be worth $15.

    Just my $0.02
    Last edited by KindestCutOfAll; 03-16-2012 at 07:39 PM. Reason: Splelng ahs yusuel
    May your lather be moist and slick, the sweep of your razor sure, and your edge always keen!

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