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Thread: NOS Premium vs Value

  1. #21
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Let me toss just another wrinkle in the mix

    Unless the Box/Wrapper is still sealed, you really can't even claim NOS if ya wanna get technical (on most every razor) in the old days the razors were honed at the factory

    In our little corner of the world we generally confuse NOS and Mint and pretty much we all know that either means a damn fine razor that has not been abused...
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  2. #22
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    Thanks, Glen. That was basically what I was getting at.

    I wasn't looking at it from a collecting standpoint but rather as what is the premium worth for that tool that has never been abused. For me, unwrapped, unopened and unused is just a dust collector which is why I have only a passing interest in the auction in question.

    As much enjoyment I see that many members on this forum get from salvaging old blades, there is the time/money factor. It it's really NOS, then hone it up and put it the rotation. If it's a salvage, how much time needs to be spent in order to get it back into the rotation is a factor. If you're making works of art and with all highest regards, many members here are, that is a different set of standards and then the time requirements don't apply, only the finished product. There is also the capital investment in tools and equipment in order to accomplish that task. I'm not blessed with either the extra time or tools.

    I guess what I'm saying is that for me, at this point in the hobby, as a junior member, that premium and a trip to a honemeister is worth the extra money for a blade is shave ready and will last for years doing it's job with a minimum of fuss. Perhaps in the future I'll have the two missing factors but not now.
    I recently built a paddle strop station for the bathroom and I'm still cleaning up sawdust in the kitchen. Hand polishing blades is quite enjoyable in a zen kind of way and doesn't require much more than a supply of old socks. Honing will come with time. Building scales, grinding out pits, I just don't have room for that.

    The BBS shave however, makes my day.

  3. #23
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    I guess I am one of those who actually are willing to pay a premium on a NOS, or mint razor.
    I don't collect as such, well, I don't keep them locked up without using them
    To me, it is just a way to be more sure about the razors condition, and that is worth a premium. IMHO.
    That, and my restoration skills leaves a bit to be desired
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  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    I guess I am one of those who actually are willing to pay a premium on a NOS, or mint razor.
    I don't collect as such, well, I don't keep them locked up without using them
    To me, it is just a way to be more sure about the razors condition, and that is worth a premium. IMHO.
    That, and my restoration skills leaves a bit to be desired
    Agree 100%,with my honing skills at this point (about two yrs in) if some hack is going to totally fubar a NOS blade.
    I want to be that person

  5. #25
    RJD is offline
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    Is it worth the premium cost? If you like the razor, and can afford it, then by all means, yes.

  6. #26
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnus View Post
    I'm not sure that a collectable can be seen as an investment any longer. It's true that 'quality' will alway be appreciated by someone but if a hobby doesn't involve an item that can be easily chged to cash it may just be a fun thing to have and in our case a skill held by a few.
    Yep. Buying razors as collectible investments is a huge risk. If the straight razor interest decreases again, your investment will tank.
    And even if it doesn't, it may be hard to get cash short term, meaning you either have no money or you have to take a loss.
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  7. #27
    Senior Member sheajohnw's Avatar
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    Default Good Looking Razors for Use

    Real NOS, original unopened packaging, is primarily for collectors and is certainly worth a somewhat premium price. However, using a NOS or high mint razor can be expected to decrease its market value. For a pristine user razor, I prefer a mint or close to mint razor. I will not then have to worry about causing unavoidable wear marks such as around the pivot thereby depressing the value of my razor. I will not have to feel bad about the new wear showing on a pristine finish.

    Waiting for a close to mint razor and paying a reasonable premium may also prove less costly and more satisfactory than the cost of acquiring and restoring a well used razor. Of course, some hobbiests will regard the experiences of razor restoration as an enjoyable part of the hobby and more power to them. I also like acquiring high quality restoration resales that look almost new for my use, if the price is right.

  8. #28
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    I recently got an "MIB" razor on the bay for a very reasonable price.
    My assumtions that "MIB" actually stood for 'New In Box' were correct as it seemed to have absolutely no hone wear.
    That is still the case as I used tape to hone it up and it shaves very nicely.
    I couldn't have a razor that I couldn't use

  9. #29
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The term NOS has nothing to do with it's physical condition. When you talk NOS and Mint condition you are talking apples and oranges. NOS only refers to the retail or sales status of the item. it was never meant to be used the way it commonly is. Folks think it means a mint item and it may be and it may be not.

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