Quote Originally Posted by Vasilis View Post
It's not about what you get. It's about how much you buy it. Sniping is the easiest way to find it cheaper. I'm sorry but, I'm one of those guys. Coticules 20x5 with1.5cm thick coticule for 30GBP, light colored Celebrated razors for 40$, Charnleys for 40€ and so on. The first years I started buying from ebay I was bidding when I watched an item I liked. But there is no honor! ( ) So you have to do what the people you are badmouthing are doing. And the watchlist helps you do so. So ebay not only doesn't discourage it, it promotes that kind of behavour, but I'm not sure if I'm against it.

And something else; stop paying so much for stones and razors! Don't be greedy, two of each kind for everyone is enough. Three the most. 200 and 300$ for sheep shears stone is a very high price. And when you buy it for such a price you will sell it for a high price. There is enough for everybody. Especially for razors.
Not bad mouthing. Just saying I don't remember snipers being this prevalent last time I was into bidding not just buy it now. I said it was my own fault anyway. :shrugs: