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Thread: SR box Id help

  1. #1
    Senior Member tbert33's Avatar
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    Default SR box Id help

    Just wondering if someone can help me ID the SR boxes in this picture.
    I have been told the original razors are in the cases but no other information is given about them.

    Its a auction house that are selling them and they arent giving much more away.

    If any of you guys can help then it would be greatly appreciated.

    Apologies for the rubbish picture - its all im allowed to see
    Name:  uploadfromtaptalk1352120726879.jpg
Views: 145
Size:  17.4 KB

  2. #2
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    I'd want to see the razors . The heck with the boxes . Unless you like to gamble , I would pass up this "deal" .
    Greetings , from Dundalk , Maryland . The place where normal people , fear to go .

  3. #3
    Senior Member tbert33's Avatar
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    Default Re: SR box Id help

    Quote Originally Posted by dave5225 View Post
    I'd want to see the razors . The heck with the boxes . Unless you like to gamble , I would pass up this "deal" .
    that is the conclusion ive come to Dave5225. Im not long into the hobby so im still at the early stages to make a gamble like this.

    If anyone out there is a bit of a chancer and would like the details of the auction let me know and ill forward you the website details.

  4. #4
    Orange County N.Y. Suile's Avatar
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    The good thing alot of the razors ya get secnod hand they don't have the darn
    boxes ya don't know what to do with.
    Cause being that someone had them for ages and keep makes me want to keep the box.
    When it's only the razor i need to get a nice shave. and a nice brush and nice hones and strops.
    tbert33 likes this.

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