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Thread: Is it me or are auction sale prices going up like crazy lately?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Is it me or are auction sale prices going up like crazy lately?

    Just watched this filly go for $550!

    Earlier this week I saw a W&B go at over 350 as well. Seems like every auction I want to bid on i'm completely out-classed/out-cashed.

    Anyone else see this trend?

  2. #2
    Senior Member jcsixx's Avatar
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    Eh, they ebb and flow. Many of the guys here speak of the good ole days. When filly's and other razors were had at reasonable price.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    This has been going on for quite some time.

    I don't look much these days at razors but a few years ago you would find around 1200 or so listings. That has mushroomed to over 6K now. Much is a lot of junk with guys hoping for a quick profitable sale. Like everything else the supply of quality stuff is more limited and as more guys desire these razors the price will continue to climb.
    Suile likes this.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member jasontg99's Avatar
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    I was watching that one too. At six minutes left is was $88. I knew it would sell for more than that, but I did not see the $550 price tag coming.

  5. #5
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    For the filly or big meat choppers, don't waste your time w/ ebay. You can keep an eye out on the classifieds here and pick one up ready to go for the same price vrs. having to pay to have it restored, or materials to restore it yourself + what you paid on ebay for the thing, and god help you if it needs a regrind and you can't do it yourself; that's another $100+ right there. Anyone looking to bid $300 on these unrestored, and think they're going to get their money back plus a profit is few, far, and in between as far as that happening. Those are the ones usually getting it for themselves, which even to resell it will lose money for what they have in it. I just pass on em', that's just me. Once the hype and fascination dies off, and the prices drop I may partake, regardless of how long it takes.
    brooksie967 likes this.
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  6. #6
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Filly razors, and W & B both have been climbing more and more. Are they worth that kind of money? who is to say? But every day that goes by, there are fewer and fewer in excellent condition. And as us users take the NOS and turn it into 'used" there will be less and less. It was not all that long ago that NOS DublDucks and Fillies would show up on the bay every few weeks. Not so much now.
    I suggest making friends with people here, and buying trading amongst ourselves.
    tiddle and Suile like this.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Furcifer's Avatar
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    I haven't been involved in the SR world that long, but I've been on ebay since WAY back... Part of the problem is that the NIBBLERS are driving the prices up. 45 bids? Seriously? I'm seeing these things get pushed way out of any sort of reasonable price LONG before auction end because they throw a silly proxy bid instead of just placing the auction on their watch list. Basically, it's a bunch of people who don't really know how ebay works, much less how to WORK IT.
    Last edited by Furcifer; 12-06-2012 at 08:09 PM.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
    Filly razors, and W & B both have been climbing more and more. Are they worth that kind of money? who is to say? But every day that goes by, there are fewer and fewer in excellent condition. And as us users take the NOS and turn it into 'used" there will be less and less. It was not all that long ago that NOS DublDucks and Fillies would show up on the bay every few weeks. Not so much now.
    I suggest making friends with people here, and buying trading amongst ourselves.
    Totally agree. The forums are the best place to buy. I find everyone here is more honest and open where an ebay seller might try to hid a flaw

    Quote Originally Posted by Furcifer View Post
    I haven't been involved in the SR world that long, but I've been on ebay since WAY back... Part of the problem is that the NIBBLERS are driving the prices up. 45 bids? Seriously? I'm seeing these things get pushed way out of any sort of reasonable price LONG before auction end. Basically, it's a bunch of people who don't know how ebay works, much less how to WORK IT.
    I see the 'nibbling' bring up the prices a bit, but the razor in question went from 88 to 550 in the last 2 minutes so this is hardly a case of people gradually pushing up the price. I've seen these auctions go way out of hand on several occasions. Ultimately its up to the buyer who wins to determine their maximum sale price. Does nibbling put the price up a bit? yes, is it the reason we see these crazy 5-600 bids on these razors? Hardly.

  9. #9
    Senior Member ScienceGuy's Avatar
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    I've been in the antique world for a while and keep track of prices a bit. One thing that I can say is that NOTHING has an intrinsic value. A lot of people don't realize that something is only worth how much someone else is willing to pay. Couple that with the fact that there are often a lot of people who want the same thing and are willing to pay quite a bit, along with other factors such as growing interest, especially among people with high means of buying. And things go in and out of popularity, there's fads just like with new products, except for a limited supply. So as a result prices fluctuate quite a lot.

    As a final note, we are on the verge of the Christmas season, when a lot of people are willing to put in the extra money to get the last minute perfect gift, so that can be a driving force.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Saw a helji 32 in Ivory sell last week for just north of $800,no orig box,a nice razor.
    Have sold 3 myself in the past yr,they garner 350/400 all day.
    But is only so many to be had in this world,the 800 may seem like a bargain next year.
    BobH likes this.

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