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Thread: Major disappointment on eBay!

  1. #1
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    Default Major disappointment on eBay!

    Hello everyone,

    I struck gold on eBay recently with a large lot of miscellaneous shaving items that happened to contain a very collectible large razor by one of our favorite British makers. I was the only bidder and thought I got a great deal--though the total with shipping was still substantial. I emailed the seller and said that I wouldn't mind if they kept the remainder of the items since what I really wanted were the two razors in the lot. It would save on shipping costs, too. Then the horror ensues....

    The seller writes back and claims that the straight razor is damaged. My payment is refunded and my bid canceled. Next thing: both razors go up on eBay all by themselves with improved photos and descriptions. The whole time, the seller claims that they are "just trying to be fair." And the worst part: I can't leave negative feedback for a week because they are a Powerseller and negs are not allowed until one week after the auction ends. This enables them not to have a tarnished rep for the re-sale of the items from the lot that I won!

    My rant is over, but anyway be wary on the 'Bay, perhaps especially when it seems like things are going your way....

  2. #2
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    That sucks, but a lesson learned. Jesus said when a guy finds a treasure in a field, he buries it (and tells no one), then sells all he has and uses the $$ to buy the field. Then the treasure is his, and he takes possession of it.

    Seriously, though, that does suck, but in the end it's only a razor, and many more good deals will come around. Good luck.
    nun2sharp, gooser and Chevhead like this.

  3. #3
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    Good perspective. It hurts though when someone claims to be acting fairly when it is truly so unfair. And eBay won't do anything about it.

    Recently I bought a vintage butterscotch best badger brush on Bonanza. The seller sent the wrong brush (a much smaller pure badger) and apparently thought that this was OK. I had to ship it back to Canada from the US using signed-for delivery...which cost $30!

    I am currently trying to get refunded on an Etsy purchase of a Wade & Butcher. Except it wasn't really a Wade & Butcher--the seller just listed it that way because the person they bought it from supposedly claimed it was! More reasons to buy only on forums.

    Quote Originally Posted by IamSt8ght View Post
    That sucks, but a lesson learned. Jesus said when a guy finds a treasure in a field, he buries it (and tells no one), then sells all he has and uses the $$ to buy the field. Then the treasure is his, and he takes possession of it.

    Seriously, though, that does suck, but in the end it's only a razor, and many more good deals will come around. Good luck.
    Last edited by rexcarolus; 02-28-2013 at 12:37 AM. Reason: Added info

  4. #4
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rexcarolus View Post
    Hello everyone,

    I struck gold on eBay recently with a large lot of miscellaneous shaving items that happened to contain a very collectible large razor by one of our favorite British makers. I was the only bidder and thought I got a great deal--though the total with shipping was still substantial. I emailed the seller and said that I wouldn't mind if they kept the remainder of the items since what I really wanted were the two razors in the lot. It would save on shipping costs, too. Then the horror ensues....

    The seller writes back and claims that the straight razor is damaged. My payment is refunded and my bid canceled. Next thing: both razors go up on eBay all by themselves with improved photos and descriptions. The whole time, the seller claims that they are "just trying to be fair." And the worst part: I can't leave negative feedback for a week because they are a Powerseller and negs are not allowed until one week after the auction ends. This enables them not to have a tarnished rep for the re-sale of the items from the lot that I won!

    My rant is over, but anyway be wary on the 'Bay, perhaps especially when it seems like things are going your way....
    I think you can thank some know-it -all self important ebayer, who slipped a note to the seller that he can get more money for the razors with better pics and description.
    saitou likes this.

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  6. #5
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    That person would have spent their time much better by bidding on the item and winning it themselves !

    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    I think you can thank some know-it -all self important ebayer, who slipped a note to the seller that he can get more money for the razors with better pics and description.

  7. #6
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rexcarolus View Post
    That person would have spent their time much better by bidding on the item and winning it themselves !
    some people just like to feel important, you know "let me help the poor newb, and teach him a thing or two about razors"
    saitou likes this.

  8. #7
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    @ rex, you screwed up when you told them that all you wanted was the one blade, they quickly did their research to find out why.
    saitou likes this.
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  9. #8
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    So you won a lot with a few good ones. Did you receive and then try to get a partial refund? That seldom works. If you win something and begin negotiations before the item was sent, no wonder. How would you feel if you were the seller? Things like this often spark ire from sellers or make them think trouble is coming. Some good items are often included with junk. Just pay up and toss the rest as it arrives. Lesson learned. JMO
    str8fencer likes this.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  10. #9
    Senior Member Mike1969's Avatar
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    This has happened to me a few times too!! I know it's upsetting but, after a couple of days you'll be over it.

  11. #10
    "Hey! Captain Kirk is the man...!" suits123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    @ rex, you screwed up when you told them that all you wanted was the one blade, they quickly did their research to find out why.
    Sorry to hear that. You should report a problem. eBay may look into it and disallow the seller from using eBay. Worth a try atleast. I know eBay wants to keep bad sellers out.
    jasontg99 likes this.

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