Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
wooo boy. You want to talk about an ugly acquisition disorder. I've been buying razors and hones and strops and brushes. Way too much cash out of my pocket. I'm hoping as stuff shows up and I get overwelmed and stop. Can you say compulsive personality.
I tend to be Compulsive with everything. Shopping and dating and eating.
I am so addicted to buying things that i have 9 japanese man made water stones.
just cause they where a steal littery. I am so addicted to buying things i think i have about 20 axe heads that need handles. i have 10 axes with handles. i have two hand saws for bucking logs. I find it hard to part with any little thing i have. I even have a clever that my friend was saying i crazy for dicing ginger with it super small. 2 paring knives 3 meat craving knives 2 chef knives 3 bread knives one pocket knife that i keep in my pocket. Handy really for eating apple i always use a knife.