I love hearing that other brides are just as intolerant of razors as my sweetness. My wife doesn't beat me physically mind you, but she is an expert in psychological warfare. I still shiver reminiscing on some of her better threats.

As it turns out, I happen to be spiteful and inventive. I make sure I have lots of stubble on date night so it looks like she was making out with a cactus! And I have been collecting one brand of razor which makes it way easier to justify RAD then random purchases. Razor complaint has been down in recent weeks.

Remember gentlemen, if you have surpassed seven razors you can still use the seven day set argument if you are attempting to collect seven from one maker. There is also nothing as sophisticated as a man who has shaved with razors of different origins, today I sample Germany, tomorrow Japan!

Wait, I don't think this will help keep anyone off ebay! Sorry gents!