Forgive me if this reply does not post correctly, as I am still trying to figure out posting and forums.

Thank you Jaegerhund, Aussie, Floridaboy, ForestryProf, Steve, and Xman for the warm welcome and encouragement.

Floridaboy and Steve thanks for the heads up on colleen's info I will try to get in touch with her as you suggested. Do you recommend any particular scents? Steve thank you for the info on my brush.

ForestryProf thank you for the information and suggestions on products and the heads up on the inevitable addiction caused by shaving with a straight. You really suprised me that a brush could cost so much money.

Xman thanks I will pay close attention as you said to the strop and stropping when my products arrive. I am very nervous about ruining my strop or razor. I am sure once I have the products in hand more questions will follow.

I had a few more questions that were brought on by reading some posts. What is BBS? Also, what is a swaty? I have a question about shaving products as well but I don't know if I should post them here or elsewhere.

I was wondering if anyone can recommend an aftershave or something that is not so strongly scented? My wife suffers from migraines, and strong scents can trigger them. As of now after I shave with my shavette, I splash alcohol on my face and then follow up with witch hazel. Again thanks everyone and if I am posting incorrectly or I need to ask these questions some where else. Please advise.