Results 141 to 150 of 583
Thread: Righty Tighty; Lefty Loosey
01-17-2014, 06:42 AM #141
Shave #68.75 - Island Shave
After around 20 hours of traveling, I finally made it to Vancouver Island and the folks, where I found a box from Fendrihan's waiting for me.
Klar Heidelberg Classic Shaving Soap
Edwin Jagger DE89L + Gillette Super Blue Blades
TOBS Badger Brush
Baxter of California AS Balm
My first ever DE shave....Well, what can I say?...Clearly there's a learning curve! I was planning to do 3 passes and be done. I added a fourth, as the results weren't there. After the fourth, the results still weren't there, so I packed it in. It is a very elegant way to shave, but I need some practice.
Results: A socially acceptable shave, but only because my hair is light blonde. No irritation.Tallow soap is good cholesterol
01-17-2014, 06:35 PM #142
Shave #68.8 - Well Ya Just Know I Couldn't Let That Stand
I'm on holidays. I got time. So after last night's shave, I decided to pull out the new toy and give it another try this morning.
Proraso (Green Tubed) Shaving Cream
TOBS Badger Brush
Edwin Jagger DE89L + Gillette Super Blue Blades
Three passes, WTG, XTG and ATG resulted in a SAS. It is a bit more socially acceptable than last night's effort, so......a touch of progress.
Tallow soap is good cholesterol
01-19-2014, 12:40 AM #143
Shave #69 - Ahhh, Fresh Air and Nature!
Nice to be somewhere where the air is crisp and clean. And, I certainly wasn't counting on this, as it seems awfully early, but the herring run has started here. The herring are kinda towards the bottom of the food chain, so everything follows the herring. I've been seeing all kinds of nature; seals, sea lions, eagles, .... I haven't seen a whale yet, but they ought to be following everything else, so maybe.
Proraso (Green Tubed) Shaving Cream
TOBS Badger Brush
Don Jae Chopper + Gillette Super Blue Blades
Baxter of California AS Balm
Did a quick 3-passer, BBS face, DFS on the neck. Didn't bother attacking the neck more vigorously, the folks were ready to head out, so no time. But, the result felt nice after my mediocre DE shaves.Tallow soap is good cholesterol
01-19-2014, 09:42 PM #144
Shave #69.3 - DEing It
My shave was still pretty okay from the shavette, but I decided to give myself a DE shave anyway.
Proraso (Green Tubed) Shave Cream
TOBS Badger Brush
Edwin Jagger DE89L + Gillette Super Blue Blades
Captain's Choice Bay Rum
I did 3 passes, WTG, XTG, ATG, and I actually managed to improve the state of my whiskers. So, I began the shave with a CCS+ and I managed to improve things to DFS. My previous 2 shaves I had too oblique an angle, I think, so I steepened my angle a bit, and it seems to be giving me a bit more blade contact. Clearly it'll take a while, but at least it is beginning to feel like I've shaved after I've finished with the DE. Now I just need to work on the quality of that shave.Tallow soap is good cholesterol
01-20-2014, 05:55 PM #145
Shave #69.6 - Pffewff
Jet lag is really kickin' my a**. Didn't sleep a single wink.
Proraso (Green Tubed) Shave Cream
TOBS Badger Brush
Edwin Jagger DE89L + Gillette Super Blue Blades
I keep improving, but still not great. I'd call it SAS after 3 passes, a smidge better than my last shave. Slowly, slowly, improving.Tallow soap is good cholesterol
01-22-2014, 04:47 AM #146
Shave #70 - A Quickie
Proraso (Green Tubed) Shave Cream
TOBS Badger Brush
Don Jae Chopper + Gillette Super Blue Blades
Captain's Choice Bay Rum
Aveda AS Balm
Brother and his family came by, so I had to do a quick shave. Squeezed in a 3-passer. I sure do better with a straight. BBS/DFS.Last edited by TaipeiJake; 01-22-2014 at 07:18 PM.
Tallow soap is good cholesterol
01-22-2014, 07:30 PM #147
Shave #70.3 - Becoming Okay
Woke up with pretty okay whisker status, so just tryed to maintain with the DE.
Proraso (Green Tubed) Shave Cream
TOBS Badger Brush
Edwin Jagger DE89L + Gillette Super Blue Blades
Aveda AS Balm
I did 3 passes today. I seem to be improving a smidge with each DE shave. Today I seemed to manage to get to around DFS--. Still nowhere near my straight razor efforts, but it is beginning to feel okay, not just look okay.Tallow soap is good cholesterol
01-23-2014, 06:20 PM #148
Shave #70.6 - Oh, That's Quite a Change
My Fendrihan order included a bunch of DE blades. So, I changed from the Gillette Super Blues, that are locally available in Taiwan, to some Astra blades. It made quite a difference! The Super Blues are really unaggressive, very gentle on the skin, but it never felt like I could get enough blade contact when using the Edwin Jagger. But, they are actually a pretty nice blade in my shavette.
Proraso (Green Tubed) Shave Cream
TOBS Badger Brush
Edwin Jagger DE89L + Astra (Blue) - Stainless Blades
Captain's Choice Bay Rum
Baxter of California AS Balm
I did 3 passes and a little extra touch up on the neck. I'd say I'm well into DFS territory - it was a darn nice quick shave. Oh what a difference a blade makes.Tallow soap is good cholesterol
01-25-2014, 02:51 AM #149
Shave #71 - Shaving to a Schedule
I've been shaving in the morning (mostly) while on vacation. Generally I'm not in a hurry to go anywhere. But, sometimes other people are, so I find myself needing to move smartly.
Proraso (Green Tubed) Shave Cream
TOBS Badger Brush
Don Jae Chopper + Astra (Blue) - Stainless Blade
Captain's Choice Bay Rum
A very quick 3-passer, as my brother and his family were waiting on me. BBS face/DFS neck, good enough considering my pace.Tallow soap is good cholesterol
01-27-2014, 07:29 PM #150
Shave #71.3 - Post-Seattle Shave
Went down to Seattle with a good buddy I've known since Kindy-garten for a day and a half. Didn't drag shave gear down there, so this is my first shave in a couple days.
Proraso (Green Tubed) Shave Cream
TOBS Badger Brush
Edwin Jagger DE89L + Astra (Blue) - Stainless Blade
Baxter of California AS Balm
Three passes plus a little extra on the neck finds me mostly BBS, minus a little spot on the chin that I didn't hit very well.Tallow soap is good cholesterol