Quote Originally Posted by TaipeiJake View Post
Thanks for the concern. It was a minor dust up, but I should definitely have been more aware of the state of my throttle cable. Smarter next time, I guess.
It is a good idea to keep all cables lubed. It helps & afterward you can tell the difference. I use a home made attachment for my spray oil can with a needle inserted into the tobing & when I take the cable housings loose, I have access to the cables & I lube them that way for a few times until I know it is coming out the other end. It makes a big difference. You might check that cable to make sure it isn't frayed anywhere. It isn't your fault, things like that can happen, especially when you least expect it & then when it happens you just have less than a second to make a decision but try to cut off the machine if possible if it ever happens again or if you have a clutch, pull in on the clutch & hit the brakes. We want you to stay around & post more comments, we don't want to lose you my friend.Also be aware of what is around you at all times so that you can have an escape route in mind.Good luck & I'm glad you are still with us.It could have been disastrous.