Hey everyone, quick question.

I'm new to straight razor shaving and SRP as well; just did my first shave last night, and very much enjoyed it. My question is this - I seem to see a lot of guys having both straights and safeties, such that the safety razor is used as a sort of back up when you need a fast shave, or when you're traveling. I thought about starting with a DE, but went right for the straight because I knew that's where I wanted to be eventually, and I wanted to start getting experience/working on my technique sooner rather than waiting to get accustomed to the DE for a few months and then switching.

In my line of work I can get away with not shaving for about 2 days, which is perfect for learning on the straight. If I have a bad shave one day I can always just let it heal up for a couple days and then go at it again. I know there are times when I'm in a hurry and have a good bit of stubble to knock down with a quick shave, however, and am wondering if it's worth my while to pick up a DE and keep it in reserve for that purpose?

What do you guys do when you're in a hurry? Single pass with a straight or some similar abbreviated straight razor shave, or do you fall back on a 'faster' method, like the DE or even a cartridge/electric? I'm very much in the honeymoon stage with all of this, and at this point the idea of keeping a cartridge razor around, even for 'emergencies', feels somewhat like ditching the honeymoon suite for the red-light district

I'm very much aware, however, that I'll probably need a quick and dirty shave before I'm experienced enough to get one safely with a straight, so I'm curious as to what you guys do/did in this situation.
