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Thread: Got my first straight; get a safety razor for back up and/or emergency shaves?

  1. #1
    Junior Member lumberjack89's Avatar
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    Default Got my first straight; get a safety razor for back up and/or emergency shaves?

    Hey everyone, quick question.

    I'm new to straight razor shaving and SRP as well; just did my first shave last night, and very much enjoyed it. My question is this - I seem to see a lot of guys having both straights and safeties, such that the safety razor is used as a sort of back up when you need a fast shave, or when you're traveling. I thought about starting with a DE, but went right for the straight because I knew that's where I wanted to be eventually, and I wanted to start getting experience/working on my technique sooner rather than waiting to get accustomed to the DE for a few months and then switching.

    In my line of work I can get away with not shaving for about 2 days, which is perfect for learning on the straight. If I have a bad shave one day I can always just let it heal up for a couple days and then go at it again. I know there are times when I'm in a hurry and have a good bit of stubble to knock down with a quick shave, however, and am wondering if it's worth my while to pick up a DE and keep it in reserve for that purpose?

    What do you guys do when you're in a hurry? Single pass with a straight or some similar abbreviated straight razor shave, or do you fall back on a 'faster' method, like the DE or even a cartridge/electric? I'm very much in the honeymoon stage with all of this, and at this point the idea of keeping a cartridge razor around, even for 'emergencies', feels somewhat like ditching the honeymoon suite for the red-light district

    I'm very much aware, however, that I'll probably need a quick and dirty shave before I'm experienced enough to get one safely with a straight, so I'm curious as to what you guys do/did in this situation.

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  2. #2
    A Fully-Fleshed Brethren Brenngun's Avatar
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    I followed the exact path you're now on. Went directly to a str8. I'm now to the point where it only takes me about 20 min to complete a 2 pass shave WTG & ATG (ATG in specific areas only like chin and neck). Generally this is quick enough but if I find myself needing to shave in a 5 to 10 minute time frame I'd just pick up a bic and get hacking. I wouldn't invest in a whole new kit.
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    Des can be hazardous if not handled properly. I used one when I was learning. I would say get another straight or a disposable straight. But its your choice.
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  4. #4
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    My fall back was what I used prior to a cut-throat; A twin blade cart head. I only used that a few times before deciding to concentrate solely on getting the job done properly with the CT. It took me all of about three or four weeks of shaving (can't remember exactly anymore) to be getting a decent shave in a respectable, but still too long a time.
    These days I can get a shave of the same quality as back then, in about five minutes. Ten buys me a better shave, and one I am happy to go with most days. I now keep a DE on hand just because I like variety, and I also have one in my toiletry bag permanently so I don' have to worry about packing a CT. I won't keep one of those in the bag permanently as it could well be a damp environment for a few days on the road.

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  5. #5
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    I rotate daily between 2 straights. If I had to send one off for sharpening or repair I would just use the single SR until the 2nd came back.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I began much as Lynn recommends in the beginner's guide here. So for my first few weeks I used a DE to get the more difficult spots, and gradually increased my straight razor field of use. The chin and a couple of areas on the neck, were the last to yield to the straight. So I would say a DE is a darn good idea if you want to go that way. I began shaving with a DE in the 1960s so it was kind of neat to return to it a couple of years before I went straight.
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  7. #7
    Member g60madman's Avatar
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    I started with carts then to DE and then SR then back to DE and now moving back to SR. Honestly DE's can be fast since I have used them for so long and am very comfortable with my setup. The problem is finding the best blades and best razor for your beard type. I realize that there are tons of different steel for SR's and manufactures which I am sure effect the shave. However IMHO and lack of only shaving with a golden arrow SR I can say it may take a long time to find a good DE setup. If you are used to using carts and are comfortable with it, I would say stick with the cart. Picking up a DE may prove to take as long to learn as an SR can. (Can't believe I just said to use a cart over a DE?!?! ) but honestly if your looking for an easy mix between shaves and your already comfortable with a cart, it maybe the best route instead of starting back at the beginning with DE's and learning how to shave all over again since you are still learning SR.
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  8. #8
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    I shave my head so still use a Dorco 3-Blade for that as shaving backwards in the mirror with one hand using a SR while holding a mirror with the other hand just does not sound like a great idea... Yet.

    So, I did the same as others have mentioned... Used a SR progressively then re-lather and finish the complete shave with a 3-blade. Have often considered switching to DE but, like g60madman mentioned, I figured it would take my learning in a completely different direction and I wanted to stick with SR realizing I'd likely always use cartridge for my head.

    I've never traveled with a SR as, when I'm on vacation, I don't mind getting all shaggy and my shaves usually last 3 days before I start to 'really' notice it's time to shave... I typically only shave 2-3 times/week... I have monstrous hair growth and if I shave every day it will be a blink before I have to wake up in the middle of the night to shave again... So, 2-3/week has been plenty and on vacation I just relax and focus on the stoked feeling I will get when I make my first pass through all that cabbage and see how my SR really performs upon returning home.

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  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    I have 2 3 blade cartridge razors, still with a few cartridges for each, I keep them in reserve for the quick shaves, I don't see a lot of point buying another razor to replace them until the cartridges run out. I have used them once or twice in 3 months.
    I also have an electric that lives in my car, that hasn't been used for a lot longer, but its there if I need it.
    When the cartridges run out I might think about getting a D/E but conversely I might just buy a big bag of yellow bic disposables for a couple of dollars.
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  11. #10
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Let me add to the range of solutions to your question. I have, and use, the following:
    4 straight razors in rotation (adding more for a longer rotation)
    1 DE for use when my sensitive skin rebels more than usual and I need a softer shave for a day or two or I'm in a big hurry
    Several 3-blade throwaways, not for face but for werewolf like growth of hair on my ears (the older I get the more gravity shifts my hair to other lower parts of my body)
    Quality small scissors for trimming my goatee and moustache

    What ever rocks your boat is they way you should go. Be a purist, be a puritan, be a free-wheeler, what ever and ENJOY THE RIDE!
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