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Thread: What's a good straight to start with ?

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome,
    If I was spending that sort of money I would buy a nice vintage razor, but that's not to say that the next person wouldn't buy a brand new, really depends what you like.
    I would be wary of eBay, because some people will say what they think needs to be heard to get a sale. If you are going that route, get some good pictures of both sides of the whole razor, and post them here, you will get good advice, or try and find a mentor who might be able to help you with your potential buys.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  2. #12
    Junior Member Greek's Avatar
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    Thanks gents for all your positive feedback looks like i have some money to waste but it'll save me money right ? Lol

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greek View Post
    Thanks gents for all your positive feedback looks like i have some money to waste but it'll save me money right ? Lol
    Well maybe, over a few or more years, provided you are frugal.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  4. #14
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    I've spent too much money on razors, and looking back at my history, I'd advise you not to spend that much. Check the classifieds here, or go to a reputable dealer and get a low-end Dovo or Boker. What ever you get, get a shave ready razor. Once you see if straight shaving is for you, then decide if you want to spend more money on a higher dollar blade. Have fun.
    edhewitt and TaipeiJake like this.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. General rule of thumb is round point(unless you like to bleed) and either 5/8 or 6/8 razor. From there you can make infinite decisions. Ill add a link for good razors but get shave ready. The classifieds are a good place to start. Ebay razors are hit and miss and most won't be shave ready so you'll need honing sell. Good luck.
    Good Straight Razor Brands - Straight Razor Place Wiki
    Last edited by eddy79; 09-12-2013 at 01:01 PM.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member Foxhill's Avatar
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    I just checked SRD, which is a go-to place for shaving equipment. $115 or so will get you a new razor, honed properly, and a quality strop. You can then pick up an Omega brush and entry-level soap whereever you see fit and still be well within your $150 limit. If you really want to go inexpensively, you can get a razor, strop, brush and soap from Whipped Dog for quite a bit less, which is what I did because I wasn't sure if I was going to like straight shaving.... that was several razors, brushes, strops, soaps and aftershaves ago

  7. #17
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    It's a shame we can't have some sort of "Starter Kit" for Newbies. You know, like a 7 day set of various types of blades.
    I have 2 new razors, a Dovo and a Thiers, and I don't like them near as much as some of the old blades I bought and honed.
    There are just so many differences among blades.
    I would say to get started it would be best to start with a restored blade from a respected vendor here, for less than $70. Try it out, learn on it, see how you like it, learn what you don't like about it. Then buy another , but of a different style (Wedge vs hollow, or double hollow, or Lg vs. small) Then buy a third that will probably be closer to your ideal, for say $150, and sell the other 2.
    So you're in for $150, but you have tried 3 blades, instead of just one you may not like.....
    And if you're like me you may get lucky and find out the first blade you ever bought is your favorite shaver. ( $15 off ebay)
    You'll still end up buying 20 blades later on, but that is just the sickness setting in.

  8. #18
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    I have amassed 18 vintage razors from eBay, antique shop and personal purchase and are having them honed. As I get them back I have been putting them in rotation. No two are alike other than being a mixture of American, English, German and Swedish steels. I have four rotating presently and I can tell you, no two alike and I like it that way, Each day is a delight and a challenge to see what kind of shave I get and how I have to adjust to get it. Throw changing soaps, scuttles/bowl/face lathering and a few different brushes and I have an adventure to start off each morning. I am aiming for a 14 day rotation. Plus (of course there is always a plus) I'm putting together a group of safety double, single and injector razors to throw in the mix to use on a whims moment. Let alone a variety of finishing creams or lotions. But I am drawing the line at strops. Just acquired a Russia Razor strop with my last name on it (amazing, isn't it), 2-1/34 x 24 in pristine condition and its older than me. Have to get fussy somewhere.

  9. #19
    Junior Member Greek's Avatar
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    Been thinking of the Ralf aust with strop from srd in 5/8 . Thoughts on the aust ? And and all these strop options of leather

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I don't think you can go wrong with a Ralf Aust, I have a 6/8 Spanish's a nice shaver

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