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Thread: Using cold water

  1. #11
    Member kinc's Avatar
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    I use hot water (no towels) mainly because I shave at night (around 9/10 pm) and cold water gets really cold at that time (or at least seems to do so)... and I don't like it

  2. #12
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    I've been alternating between hot, lukewarm and cold water shaves, lately. Somehow, I get the feeling that a cold water shave requires a sharper blade, which is scientifically nonsense as a hair assumes skin temperature which does not vary a lot. I really like the skin feel after a cold water shave, and I really like warm water on my face. And when my girlfriend is taking a shower, I use cold water so that she doesn't get angry with me

    To end the rambling with something sensible: try it.
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  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    I am new to straight razor having, but have been wet shaving for a while. I have discovered for me cold shavingis the only way to go. I enjoy a hot shave, but the hot water causes my skin irritation, so now I only cold shave.

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    I started with hot water, towels, etc but my face didn't like it. Went cold and most issues disappeared and never looked back since. Then again works for me and sucks for others who swear that hot is the only way for them. The science of individuality. You just don't know till you try if its for you.
    edhewitt and TaipeiJake like this.
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

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