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Thread: Needed suggestions and help please.

  1. #1
    Member Crusader's Avatar
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    Default Needed suggestions and help please.

    O.k. , I've been shaving with a Parker Shavette for about two months now with fairly consistent and good results, a few cuts here and there mostly from lack of concentration for brief second. But overal happy.
    I decided to purchase a Dovo Astrale from Vintage blades and it was a good price and quick shipment. Of course it was tagged as sharpened by Lynn and such so I was pretty exited this morning thinking it would slice through my two day growth like hot butter! Man I was wrong! I was able to make it through the right cheek and then had to stop and finish with the Parker with no unusual tugging.

    i have gotten good at lathering and such and the Shavette worked good. I tried different angles and it did not really change. I did not try to strop on my Illinois 827 because the sticker on the paper that came with the dovo said it was not necesarry.

    would my technique be that different from the Shavette to the Dovo? Or would one of got by Lynn somehow ( I hardly think so but we are all human )? Not sure what to think since the only thing I can compare is the Parker. Open to ideas.

  2. #2
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    Maybe it was sharpened by Lynn a long time ago and used/stropped since, and his edge got degraded. Or maybe it never was and it was tagged that way to earn a few more bucks. I'm pretty sure the man knows what he is doing. Perhaps you just need a little more work on your angles/technique also. First things first you should try to have it checked by someone nearby who knows what a sharp edge should look and feel like. Then if necessary contact the company where you got it. If all else fails, I know someone here would be happy to give you a proper edge.
    Last edited by eKretz; 10-13-2013 at 03:14 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    "would my technique be that different from the Shavette to the Dovo?"

    From what I have read, I think this is the answer. You could see if it tree tops some hair off your arm but that is nothing like using it on your face. It should be ready if you got the paper saying it is. The reason for the paper is that stropping has it's own learning curve and so you can see what it is supposed to be before you ruin it with the strop :<0)
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  4. #4
    PLJ is offline
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    Just my two sense. I would strop it real good 50/100 and than keep your angle about two spine widths away from your face and use slow even back and forth strokes.

  5. #5
    He of the unconventional nature. Mechromancer's Avatar
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    It's not unheard of to need to strop part way through a shave. Aside from that, a new tool in your arsenal does take some getting used to. In my experience, shave ready blades need stropping the first time out. Though admittedly, my "shave ready" blades have come from questionable sources.

  6. #6
    Make ready the heat. henryconchile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crusader View Post
    would my technique be that different from the Shavette to the Dovo?

    I transitioned from a Parker SR1 shavette to a Dovo 6/8 Best Quality and noticed that I had to change my shaving technique. Shaving with the Parker helped me learn to shave with the Dovo faster, but they both required a different shaving technique. For example, the Parker was light compared to the Dovo, and my shave technique balance was thrown off because I now had to learn to use a heavier blade.

    You'll get it, though. Keep practicing with the Dovo. Also, work on your stropping skills because you will need them to keep the Dovo sharp.
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  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I'd give it a few shaves and see if things improve.Pay attention to the angles and pressure as you shave. If things don't change then I'd contact the Honemeister.
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  8. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    The Shave Test, but most of this you already know from using a Shavette but it might help you out

    What is "The Shave Test" for a Straight Razor - YouTube

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    Update: I went ahead and gave it a 50-100 Stroping andng shaved again with it.doing one atg and things seemed better. I could be the case of "it's the Indian and not the arrows" but I never would of gushed there would of been that much difference between the two razors. I should of tempered expectation and not of expected mystical things.
    Please understand I was not trying to insinuate that Vintage or Mr. Abrams to not know their business. Very happy with both. Also it took quite a while for a single pass but it is pretty smoove.
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  • #10
    Senior Member MBR1965's Avatar
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    I think I read/heard somewhere that shavettes are more forgiving when using steep angles, and that, therefore, guys are prone to using angles that are too steep when transitioning from shavette to SR. The "two spine widths" rule is a good one. Good luck!

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