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Thread: Question about BBS-

  1. #11
    Senior Member Headcrowny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    Just a reminder to take care at the no sound point.
    If you don't get any shaving sounds you are exfoliating .
    Is that like de-skinifying? ;-)
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  2. #12
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    I don't really chase a BBS shave anymore...on the whole, a DFS does me just fine.


  3. #13
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    When I take the time I am getting right near to just right. I went and saw Womble the (78 year old) barber the other day. I'm 62 and he calls me, "Sonny."

    He asked "How you been getting along with trying to slit your throat?" and did a smug chuckle. I told him "I think I'm doing pretty well, Mr. Womble, thanks."

    In a flash that mean old bastage stuck out the backside of his index finger and lightly swiped it down along the underside of my jawline, made a regular Womble squinty face and said, "You still have a ways to go, Sonny. Heh heh heh."

    Four months of diligent shaving, sweating the details, does not pass the Womble test. Keep at it, Sonny.
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  4. #14
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I agree with Phrank - BBS just isn't a goal I set myself nowadays. It's up to the individual of course, but if the only way someone can tell the difference between my shave and what others would consider a BBS shave is to wipe their hands upon my face looking for traces of stubble, well.... let's just say that that hasn't been an issue for me since I gave up being a drag queen.

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  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Headcrowny View Post
    Actually, I've had the opposite experience. When I stretch the skin I can't feel the bristles but when the skin is relaxed I can (running my finger ATG). Which would mean, of course, that even though I cut all the hair when the skin is pulled, I'll lose that BBS when I stop pulling. For that reason I try to have the skin relatively relaxed during the 3rd pass.
    If you're pulling the skin in the direction that the hair grows, it'll cause the hair to lay more flat. You probably already knew that but in case it wasn't apparent, its a tip that might help. I always strive for BBS. When I made the switch from a DE to a SR, I figured if I can't do as good or better of a job with the SR there's no point in making the switch. Its one of the things that I took with me in the switch. Its seems as though most DE shavers are after the perfect shave and go through the trouble to figure out the best combinations in order to get there. The SR community seems less into obtaining that perfect shave and more into the hardware. If you're having a good time with it, there's nothing wrong with either perspective. It took me a while to figure out how to achieve that BBS shave every time but tackling every problem area one at a time finally paid dividends. But a good edge is essential.

  6. #16
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If I want a total BBS shave I pull out the old antique electric shaver and the electric pre shave and in 10 minutes I have the smoothest BBS all over my face and neck the world has ever seen. Unfortunately, 4 hours later I need to shave again.

    I stopped worrying about BBS a long time ago. Usually after I'm done with a straight 90% is BBS and the 10% that isn't ain't nothing.
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterMoo View Post
    Four months of diligent shaving, sweating the details, does not pass the Womble test. Keep at it, Sonny.
    Great story, reminds me of the good ol' "credit card" test they do in the army. In always thought that was BS until I talked to some guys from the Canadian armed forces a few years ago and they assured me it's true. How's THAT for being under the microscope?
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  8. #18
    Senior Member kettlebell's Avatar
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    I also don't chase BBS. Sometimes it's there sometimes it's not.
    A man should only look in the mirror when he shaves.

  9. #19
    Senior Member Headcrowny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterMoo View Post
    When I take the time I am getting right near to just right. I went and saw Womble the (78 year old) barber the other day. I'm 62 and he calls me, "Sonny."

    He asked "How you been getting along with trying to slit your throat?" and did a smug chuckle. I told him "I think I'm doing pretty well, Mr. Womble, thanks."

    In a flash that mean old bastage stuck out the backside of his index finger and lightly swiped it down along the underside of my jawline, made a regular Womble squinty face and said, "You still have a ways to go, Sonny. Heh heh heh."

    Four months of diligent shaving, sweating the details, does not pass the Womble test. Keep at it, Sonny.
    Down along the underside or up? Getting it glass smooth "down" is monstrously easy. Getting it smooth "up" is the tough one.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Headcrowny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    Great story, reminds me of the good ol' "credit card" test they do in the army. In always thought that was BS until I talked to some guys from the Canadian armed forces a few years ago and they assured me it's true. How's THAT for being under the microscope?
    I've never heard of the CC test. Tell me more.

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