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    Default test results - positive or negative

    After having something of a setback in my daily shaves, I am trying different tests and want to describe what I've done and the results:

    1. I went back to the 8k Norton and worked it until I was absolutely confident it passed the thumbnail test (easy) ---now:

    2. Stropped until I felt it passed the thumbpad test by running pad across blade.
    3. In preparation to shave, I stropped on linen and leather then performed these tests:

    A. shaved hairs on my arms - used shaving motiong (tip leading) Result: cut very fine hair very easily

    B. Different thumbpad test: ran pad parallel to edge with a rocking motion (lower left to upper right). This was VERY lightly with very short strokes. Result: the blade stuck into my thumb and wouldn't allow the completion of the rocking motion. Basically, the edge moved with my thumb once it "stuck" into the skin

    C. HHT - took wife's very fine hair out of hair brush. Held it in 1/2 inch increments. Passed it by the stationary edge replicating a shaving motion (meaning - passed hair by blade at a diagonal motion approx 1/16 inch away from fingers that held the hair. I figured that was close to what the blade would do to my hair on my face) Result: Pop, Pop, Pop. Every time (could actually hear a subtle pop)

    Well Doctors? is my edge positive for shave-ready or negative?

    I know, the shave test is the ultimate and best, I'm onboard with this. I'm just trying to see if I'm getting to the point where I could try the shave test.

  2. #2
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve View Post
    After having something of a setback in my daily shaves, I am trying different tests and want to describe what I've done and the results:

    1. I went back to the 8k Norton and worked it until I was absolutely confident it passed the thumbnail test (easy) ---now:

    2. Stropped until I felt it passed the thumbpad test by running pad across blade.
    3. In preparation to shave, I stropped on linen and leather then performed these tests:

    A. shaved hairs on my arms - used shaving motiong (tip leading) Result: cut very fine hair very easily

    B. Different thumbpad test: ran pad parallel to edge with a rocking motion (lower left to upper right). This was VERY lightly with very short strokes. Result: the blade stuck into my thumb and wouldn't allow the completion of the rocking motion. Basically, the edge moved with my thumb once it "stuck" into the skin

    C. HHT - took wife's very fine hair out of hair brush. Held it in 1/2 inch increments. Passed it by the stationary edge replicating a shaving motion (meaning - passed hair by blade at a diagonal motion approx 1/16 inch away from fingers that held the hair. I figured that was close to what the blade would do to my hair on my face) Result: Pop, Pop, Pop. Every time (could actually hear a subtle pop)

    Well Doctors? is my edge positive for shave-ready or negative?

    I know, the shave test is the ultimate and best, I'm onboard with this. I'm just trying to see if I'm getting to the point where I could try the shave test.
    Steve, can you do like on Tom and Jerry and let the hair fall gently end first and split it down the middle --if not then start over.


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    Quote Originally Posted by jaegerhund View Post
    Steve, can you do like on Tom and Jerry and let the hair fall gently end first and split it down the middle --if not then start over.


    Never gonna happen. If I waited to that result, I'd have a full beard for years.

  4. #4
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    That sounds like it's time to shave test to me.


  5. #5
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve View Post
    Never gonna happen. If I waited to that result, I'd have a full beard for years.
    Seriuosly, I don't know how much more you can aim for --I mean what else can you do. It is kind of strange that we use dry hair to test a razor but spend effort to make sure our face stubble is totally soaked. . Some people (in posts I've read) talk about seeing how the hair cuts. Whether it nicely separates or pops or jumps when cut can give clues but I don't know. And then some people can never pass the HHT but get good shaves. .


  6. #6
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Oh yea, past shave test ready. If it doesn't pass the shave test its probably because the edge lacks smoothing.

    Let us know how it goes.

    I have a few razors you can start honing for me btw. ...

  7. #7
    Carpe Jugulum custommartini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaegerhund View Post
    Seriuosly, I don't know how much more you can aim for --.

    Keep sharpening Steve, soon the edge will cut light into a rainbow, much like a

  8. #8
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by custommartini View Post
    Keep sharpening Steve, soon the edge will cut light into a rainbow, much like a
    Light into a rainbow?? - talk about amateur hour! I recently picked up a scanning tunneling microscope on the cheap. If I can't see my edge take slices off an electron, no way is that razor touching my face...

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    Quote Originally Posted by custommartini View Post
    Keep sharpening Steve, soon the edge will cut light into a rainbow, much like a
    right, I'll take a picture and it can be the cover of a Pink Floyd CD

  10. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I usually don't bother with all those danged tests. I shave my arm hairs and depending on the ease with which it shaves them I can tell if its time to try the razor on my face. I've never been wrong yet.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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