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Thread: First shave didn't go so well

  1. #11
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Although I have no first hand experience with Larry's edges there are quite a few members who do.
    From what I can garner his edges are quite good?

    Be patient, watch your technique and see how the next few shaves go.
    edhewitt likes this.
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  2. #12
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    I never had any problem with my razor from whippeddog that wasn't operator error.

    Rearden has summarised it very well.

    I would steer clear of hitting the compounds on balsa at this stage personally, you will just be taking the edge futher away from what was delivered without an awful lot of experience to guide you on where you are taking it.

    Good luck and keep at it RandyDavid

  3. #13
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    I got my first shave ready from Larry at Whipped Dog, it was a sight unseen but a great shaver unstropped. Did you find the soap doesn't wash off the blade easily? This one caused me problems with the blade needing pressure to cut hairs. I added more water to the brush gradually as shown in one of Lynn's videos, doing this instead of adding water to the bowl/mug made a huge difference to me. Also dont cut the stubble off, wipe the lather off instead. So simple and a lot smoother/better shave.
    BobH likes this.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Chugach68's Avatar
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    I have a razor from Larry and it was definitely shave ready. Sounds like technique is a factor. Angle, pressure, face prep, lather?? A lot of variables to learn. It took a couple months before I was getting what I considered a smooth, irritation free shave on my entire face. Stropping the razor may be different than a knife. I have no experience with knives, just make sure it lays flat and you don't roll the edge. I wish you luck and success.
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  5. #15
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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  6. #16
    A Fully-Fleshed Brethren Brenngun's Avatar
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    Sounds like a typical first shave. Before the next shave work on your lather prep. Load your brush up with lots of soap. Keep adding small amounts of water whipping the brush in between until you've created a good lather. When shaving keep a very low angle (no higher than 2 widths of the spine) and use very little pressure. Try this a few times and if that doesn't work than talk to Larry and ask for a touch up honing. I'm sure he'll be more than willing to help you out.
    BobH and edhewitt like this.
    Keep your concentration high and your angles low!

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  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yea, sounds like a typical beginners shave especially if you try to do 3 passes on your first go. Maybe try to slow down a bit and not rush things. Try learning how to get a good Wtg pass in before moving on to the others. If you push things you might end up looking and feeling like your face lost a fight with a bob cat. It takes quite a while to get you technique down. Also if your lather does not easily rinse off your blade it is likely too thick and needs more water.

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