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Thread: Beginner 2nd razor/strop

  1. #1
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    Default Beginner 2nd razor/strop

    I currently own a sight unseen razor (not sure what it is) and poor mans strop from whipped dog. I've only been at it a couple weeks, but I've decided to stick with it. With Christmas coming up, I have the chance to upgrade and would prefer some input from those more experienced than me. I'm pretty sure I've decided on the SRD modular paddle strop, but I'm still open to other suggestions. My thought with the paddle strop is that it would remove strop tension as a variable in my stropping technique as well as the modular design lowering replacement cost. I've been clamping my poor mans strop to a table to imitate a paddle and it's felt much better to me. With razors, I've been going back and forth between a few the last couple days. I HAD decided on a dovo best quality blonde 6/8. I realize 5/8 is generally recommended for beginners, but something I read recommended 6/8 and they look better to me so I've gone in that direction. So, I thought I knew what I wanted when all the new Ralf Aust stuff showed up on SRD. I don't care much for the look of the dovo stuff whereas all the RA is beautiful. I'm thinking i would keep one of those as my only/main razor a lot longer than I would the dovo, thus justifying the $60 more I would spend. Now comes the question of Spanish or round point. My understanding is that the Spanish point is more forgiving than a spike, which I would not touch. But how forgiving are they? The Spanish point looks sweet to me, but if that would be a mistake, I want to know. The round points still look pretty good. I realize I should be focusing more on function than looks, but a razors' looks are going to be a factor for me whether I like it or not. Anyway, those are my thoughts. If I'm way off in my thinking, let me know. Any and all opinions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    A Fully-Fleshed Brethren Brenngun's Avatar
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    You won't find much difference between a 5/8 and 6/8 so pick the size you want. If the Ralf Aust product turns your crank then have at it. As for the strop paddle strop are nice but can give you a slightly shorter stropping length to work with. If you're good with that then go for it.
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    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    The razor size is personal preference on what feels better while shaving so till you experiment you won't know. A bench strop might give you more strop length as a paddle is only about a foot long. The Spanish point is a small round point so be careful and I wouldnt see it causing much issues. Good luck. Ed
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  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    I have both R. Austs and I prefer the 5/8, so far. But they're both great. You'll love yours!

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  8. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    What size is your current razor? Maybe use that to give you an idea.
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  10. #6
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    Thanks for the responses. My current razor is about 5/8. I'm pretty confident that a 6/8 would be ok. For some reason, I still can't decide between a hanging or paddle strop. I feel that the paddle strop would give me better immediate results, but maybe I shouldn't focus so much on short term success. I think having that extra inch of width, regardless of strop type, is going to make things a lot easier. Would the main advantage of a hanging strop be the additional stropping surface? Or is it just personal preference?

  11. #7
    Senior Member rmagnus's Avatar
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    It's personal preference. I too started with a 6/8 and now have several between 4/8 and 7/8. My 4/8 is a Boker and it's one of my top razors. I also have the Lynn Abrams Modular paddle strop and it's awesome. I highly recommend it. I do not find it has a restricted strop length but about the same size as most hanging strops.

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  13. #8
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    Thanks for all the help. I think I've decided on the SRD modular paddle and a 6/8 Spanish point. My first two choices in scales are already sold out, so I better make up my mind for sure. Thanks again.

  14. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    I agree that a paddle strop takes some of the variables out of the equation. Either the SRD modular or regular paddle strops are great.

    the modular gives you more options as you develop your skills and want to vary materials.

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  16. #10
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    Well, I procrastinated too long and the Grenadilla wood is now gone for Spanish Point so it looks like I will be delaying my purchase for some time again until it is restocked or they get some Micarta. Don't really care for the Olive Wood look. Sometimes I do, mostly I don't, ha.

  17. The Following User Says Thank You to MrWiggly For This Useful Post:

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