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Thread: Winner of a Wolstenholm. My first razor!

  1. #1
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    Default Winner of a Wolstenholm. My first razor!


    Photos below- Keep in mind Gentlemen (Ladies as well) that I did indeed read the basics for buying on the eBay channel. I hope I did okay, and don't hold back any educational criticisms.

    I'm fully aware of the broken scale, and the "stains" on the backside of the blade, etc. but I'm a woodworker and I look at the business end of tools more than appearances. This looked like a pretty nice blade to me.

    Also, I will more than likely redo a lot of handles and scalework. It's right up my alley.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    I think you did well and I love Wosty's - they are lovely shavers.
    Please get someone who is experienced to hone it for you when you are ready.
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

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    Dapper (01-06-2014)

  4. #3
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    That's a nice blade, no reason it won't clean up real nice.

    Send it out to be properly honed and think about getting it rescaled (re: the broken scale). Take a look in the Classifieds here for services close to your area and work on getting a blade you'll enjoy for years to come.

    You did well, can't go wrong with a nice Wosty!!!

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    Dapper (01-06-2014)

  6. #4
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    Forgot to mention that I think I got it for a pretty decent price, all things considered. $12.50/$4.50 ship.

    I'm thinking about getting a cheap Titan and another model to get my honing skills in order. Practice, per se. A something I won't be worried about ruining. Like this maybe:
    French Military Surplus Stainless Straight Razor Unused No Reserve | eBay

  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    The razor looks good and should clean up well. Get a pro hone to start with so you have a benchmark for what shave ready is then hone a few cheapys to get your skills up. This way when your ready you know your target and aren't stabbing in the dark at where it should be. Good luck. Ed
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    Dapper (01-06-2014)

  9. #6
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    Yes. That's where my head is at. I will have the "Wosty" shipped out immediately. Meantime (waiting for its arrival here) I'll check out the friendlies for a good honing. Honer? Honemeister?
    Last edited by Dapper; 01-06-2014 at 01:08 PM. Reason: fun

  10. #7
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dapper View Post
    Forgot to mention that I think I got it for a pretty decent price, all things considered. $12.50/$4.50 ship.

    I'm thinking about getting a cheap Titan and another model to get my honing skills in order. Practice, per se. A something I won't be worried about ruining. Like this maybe:
    French Military Surplus Stainless Straight Razor Unused No Reserve | eBay
    That sounds like a nice price indeed. The edge appears to be in pristine condition, which is most important. Take a look at the Workshop forum, you'll find all the info you need to rescale it!

    As for buying the Titan, don't. They're in the list of brands to avoid (search the Wiki here). The cheapest razor for honing practice is a Gold Dollar, but they come with built-in geometry issues to complicate matters beyond regular honing. I think your best shot is another old/vintage eBay razor. I'm not sure about the link you posted, I cannot tell much from the seller's pictures.
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    Dapper (01-06-2014)

  12. #8
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    Thanks Laurens

    Yeah- I've been having (serious) second thoughts on the Titan after a little more reading. I was indeed checking the edge closely on all the blades I looked at.

  13. #9
    Striving for a perfect shave. GeauxLSU's Avatar
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    I think you did very well on the Wostenholm. I've got a couple and they're good shavers. BTW, the French Army razor looks too good to practice on, just my thoughts.

    Most people who repair and hone razors have a box (or two) of parts. It's pretty likely that a set of scales could be found at significant savings over newly made scales.

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    Dapper (01-08-2014)

  15. #10
    Senior Member Bamasamson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dapper View Post

    Photos below- Keep in mind Gentlemen (Ladies as well) that I did indeed read the basics for buying on the eBay channel. I hope I did okay, and don't hold back any educational criticisms.

    I'm fully aware of the broken scale, and the "stains" on the backside of the blade, etc. but I'm a woodworker and I look at the business end of tools more than appearances. This looked like a pretty nice blade to me.

    Also, I will more than likely redo a lot of handles and scalework. It's right up my alley.
    Yeh a wolstenholm was my first eBay buy as well. I ended up completely redoing it and gave it to my father for Christmas. Their pipe razors are some of my favorites!!!
    Dapper likes this.

    I would rather be outdoors!!!

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Bamasamson For This Useful Post:

    Dapper (01-08-2014)

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