After my first few straight shaves, after switching from a shavette a few months ago, my shaves have been a little lacking. Today, I decided to do a few extra strokes on the strop, spend a little bit longer building a lather and focus on short quick stokes. I didn't get anything off the alum, which was a first. t feel pretty proud to say BBS even ATG. My wife completely blew me off when I told her, I think she is sick of hearing about shaving stuff. I also stole one of my toddlers snack bowls to try building a better lather, which was successful.

Pre-shave - Proraso Pre-cream
Soap - Proraso Shave Soap
Razor - Ralf Aust 5/8
Aftershave - Alum Block
Aftershave - Crabtree & Evelyn West Indian Lime