Quote Originally Posted by Creox View Post
Phil custom hones all his razors, at least he advertises that he does and the feedback on his site is very positive. I have stropped the razor and used 5 passes on felt and .25 diamond spray with 30-40 passes on a bridal strop. I found the sharpness had improved after significantly.

S/N refers to the growth of my neck hair but as I posted above in reply to another, it's not quite as S/N as I first thought. Regardless, the hair generally grows up from the bottom of my neck. It was my first pass on two days growth.

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, Phil does all the razors himself, when I had the pleasure of getting a lesson from him on how to use my coticule, he had a nice setup with dozens of razors and all his stones, and I've had many blades done by him and they're all perfectly done.

As Gssixgun(Glen) says, beginning in straight shaving it's always, 1) the blade, 2) the lather, 3) your beard, or a few other things we have all blamed / questioned when we first started out.

Take it slow, and make sure you're following the proper angles with no pressure and stropping properly...it all eventually comes together.

Good luck!