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Thread: Forever a beginner!

  1. #11
    Senior Member Iceni's Avatar
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    I wouldn't worry too much about having picked up an RSO (razor shaped object). Most of the people that have started in the past couple of years have been caught out. Myself included.

    Whipped dog is your best bet, You'll get something that shaves, will hold an edge, and most important it'll shave right out of the box. Don't even bother to strop it.

    My first was an el cheapo RSO, It actually had a use outside of shaving. Once I had a razor that could shave I used the RSO to learn the basics of honing on. That razor is now useless, but it taught me more than it's money's worth. I'm now happily buying cheap vintage blades from ebay, Honing, stropping and shaving with them. Without the RSO I think I would have ruined a few blades and gotten very frustrated.

  2. #12
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    So for the first one I bought that I thought was called a 'zury' but that is only because of a really odd font. it's actually called a 'Fury'. Does any one know anything about this brand? It's allegedly an antique since that is the store I bought it from but I eel like they ripped me off. (Note: I'm not asking for pricing info or anything against the rules, i'd just like to know more about the company and if they make good razors.)

  3. #13
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    $14 bucks for a razor doesn't cut it. Btw, neither does them selling it as "shave ready". It takes quite a bit of time to learn the ins and outs of SR shaving.
    edhewitt likes this.

  4. #14
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrRoccapalumbo View Post
    Ouch. I guess i got burned by buying first and asking questions later. Sadly, because my financial situation is tight it might be a while before I can get another one.
    Yes, unfortunately you got one of the RSOs, razor shaped objects, and the Kreigar's are really out there, and really terrible. You'd stand a better chance of getting a shave from a clam shell than one of those, but stuff happens, and now you know.

    Check out Larry at Whipped Dog as others have mentioned, you get a blade, sight unseen, at a great cost, but it is shave ready and allows you to see if this is something you'd like to do. You can even get a neat starter kit from Larry for a little extra.

    Also, you can check the members, Classifieds section here and be assured you'll be getting a great, shave ready blade.

    Good luck!
    edhewitt likes this.

  5. #15
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrRoccapalumbo View Post
    So for the first one I bought that I thought was called a 'zury' but that is only because of a really odd font. it's actually called a 'Fury'. Does any one know anything about this brand? It's allegedly an antique since that is the store I bought it from but I eel like they ripped me off. (Note: I'm not asking for pricing info or anything against the rules, i'd just like to know more about the company and if they make good razors.)
    Fury is another brand of razor's to avoid, there a list available on the sites Wiki, that lists all brands of blades to avoid.

  6. #16
    Have Married My Coticule
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    Whipped Dog all the way if you're starting out on a budget. $28 and you have a shave ready razor that will require no faffing around, aside from stropping.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    My suggestion is to do some reading on the site and you will come away with a lot more of an idea of what you want and where to get it. If unsure use the search at the top and you will generally be able to find some info on what your looking at.
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