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Thread: Age of Deluxe Brand razor

  1. #1
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    Default Age of Deluxe Brand razor

    Good afternoon....

    I am new here and and if I am posting to the wrong forum, I appoligize in advance. A bit of grand father was a barber and I recently found about 20 stright razors in the attic. I have been able to identify most of them and date them, but I am still haveing a bit of trouble with one of them. It says "Deluxe Brand" on one side and E. T. Scott Co., Norfolk Va., Made in Germany, on the other. My father was 87 when he died 14 years ago so I am GUESSING this razor may be 100 years old or more. I would appreciate any thoughts anyone may have because I have not been able to find this brand and date it. I apprecate the help! : )

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  2. #2
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    I can't help with the history but I want to say what a beautiful find in the attic. Your family heritage is so much more enriched with your Grandfather's collection. Please, post picture of all the razors. You will not find a more appreciative, envious and coveting audience than all the SRP members! I hope you are planning on making sure they are shave ready by having a honemeister hone them for you so you can have a magnificent rotation for your daily shave.
    Lumberjohn likes this.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Many razors of that time were made in Germany and imported and sold by small companies throughout the U.S. Razor is probably from the early 1900's.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Can't help but try posting in the razor forum ad people who frequent that forum hsve vast razor knowledge
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  5. #5
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    Thanks to all who have responded. I do not use a straight razor to shave (there is no doubt that I would slit my throat), but I just wanted to see if I could date this thing. As I said, I have a bout 20 of them, some of which I will keep (for sentimental reasons) and the others I will probably sell as I understand there is a market for them. My grandfather would tell me to sell 'em all, but it's not happening. Anyway....tthanks to everyone for their is appreciated!!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Lumberjohn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirdude View Post
    I do not use a straight razor to shave
    Well, there's no better time to start IMO especially with this awesome find. Consider that.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    sirdude -- For the ones you're not going to sell, if I were you, I'd get or build a nice glass front display case you could hang in your den or wherever is appropriate in your house. They are a great piece of history...of both the art of shaving and your family.
    Tsalagi44 likes this.

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