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  • 2 Post By Smaug
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Thread: First shave results

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default First shave results

    So I purchased a vintage blade from the classified, a Boker from Zozo. It arrived this week, I held off till this afternoon to give it a go. Lathered up and started on the cheeks, being right handed the right side was alot simpler than the left. I found this to be true no matter what I was shaving. Hard parts were the lip and chin, I had 3 days of stubble so it took a bit of hacking to clear the thick places. I managed to finish with just a single 1/4 inch angled cut on my chin. Not deep, just a scratch, I may have had a bit of hesitation and moved the blade slightly sideways.


  2. #2
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Hi Smaug,

    The first one is always an adventure. Just from your description, I'm betting that you had a little to much angle of the blade to the face and may need to flatten out a little more.

    If you click on the "Shave Test" link below in my signature line you'll get a video by gssixgun giving some really good advice and demo on angles, prep and what to expect from the razor.

    The other link is an article by Lynn on the first shave.

    See if these don't answer some questions and help some.

    Best Regards,

    edhewitt likes this.

  3. #3
    little strokes fell great oaks szarvi's Avatar
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    It is still a mystery to me how I couldn't do a nice shave for the first time I tried a sr. Now it seems so easy to do, I'm almost ashamed of myself I couldn't manage it. :-D

  4. #4
    Senior Member kevinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smaug View Post
    So I purchased a vintage blade from the classified, a Boker from Zozo. It arrived this week, I held off till this afternoon to give it a go. Lathered up and started on the cheeks, being right handed the right side was alot simpler than the left. I found this to be true no matter what I was shaving. Hard parts were the lip and chin, I had 3 days of stubble so it took a bit of hacking to clear the thick places. I managed to finish with just a single 1/4 inch angled cut on my chin. Not deep, just a scratch, I may have had a bit of hesitation and moved the blade slightly sideways.

    Great off to a good start. It sure will get easier, just take your time and relax. I look back on my first shaves and remember the nervousness and the fumblehandedness that went with it, but now its just pleasure, although I still get the odd nick when not paying attention.

    Remember its a journey and not a race and the most important thing is to enjoy yourself.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Sounds like a good start. Take your time and it will all come together as you re learn how to shave your face just properly this time. Technique is something never learned the first time but something learnt through practice. Good luck
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