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  1. #1
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    Default Are all straights from

    Fully honed? as in with the price that you see??

    thanks, looks truely a great site but cant figure this out

  2. #2
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    Depends on what you mean by "fully honed". By the manufacturer's standards, yes they are fully shave-rready.

    By our standards, then no they aren't, except maybe by accident. But if you spring for their honing service, your razor will be sent to Lynn Abrams (founder of this site and ur-honemeister) and will be brought up to our definition of "shave-ready".

  3. #3
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    They do provide a honing service, but you pay extra. However, having a blade honed by Lynn is more than worth the extra $20.

  4. #4
    Senior Member VintageBlades's Avatar
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    Since I already got in hot water on another forum over this topic, let me say that I fully agree with the prior comments and see if I can phase this carefully enough to avoid a similar fate here. Dovo considers their razors to have been whetted sufficiently by their factory technicians to provide a more than adequate shave right out of the box, assuming that it has been properly stropped beforehand.

    I am a Dovo “Trading Partner” and therefore will not dispute their claim. However, I strongly recommend to everyone that they consider purchasing a razor that has a finer edge than the one applied at the factory. That is why I also offer razors that have been honed by Lynn Abrams.

    The difference is that I carry an inventory in stock of my most popular razors that have already been pre-honed by Lynn. You still have to pay an up-charge for the "honing service", but most of the razors can be shipped to you immediately with the rest of your order.

    My apologies in advance to the moderators, if this post is a bit over the line towards “advertising” within this thread. However, I though the poster might like to hear a vendor’s perspective as well.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Justme-'s Avatar
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    If you hang around the board and read long enough (and I would guess a couple days is long enough) you'll come across several threads stating there isn't a new razor made that comes truly shave ready with a few limited (very limited) exceptions. Infact, the top two posts are stickys- and one of them is this exact topic.

    I have heard what Jim stated numerous times in posts, fact is the cost of providing the last honing is prohibitive for the manufacturers.

  6. #6
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    The honing service from Lynn is great value.


  7. #7
    Don is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by VintageBlades View Post
    Since I already got in hot water on another forum over this topic, let me say that I fully agree with the prior comments and see if I can phase this carefully enough to avoid a similar fate here. Dovo considers their razors to have been whetted sufficiently by their factory technicians to provide a more than adequate shave right out of the box, assuming that it has been properly stropped beforehand.

    I am a Dovo “Trading Partner” and therefore will not dispute their claim. However, I strongly recommend to everyone that they consider purchasing a razor that has a finer edge than the one applied at the factory. That is why I also offer razors that have been honed by Lynn Abrams.

    The difference is that I carry an inventory in stock of my most popular razors that have already been pre-honed by Lynn. You still have to pay an up-charge for the "honing service", but most of the razors can be shipped to you immediately with the rest of your order.

    My apologies in advance to the moderators, if this post is a bit over the line towards “advertising” within this thread. However, I though the poster might like to hear a vendor’s perspective as well.
    Jim causing trouble again

  8. #8
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I also will state that while I love my first razor (a Dovo) it was not shave ready when it came from the factory. I therefore used too much pressure and nicked myself silly. That has since been remedied but I would reccomend the Lynn honing service, money well spent.

  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Actually most of the new razors I have bought shaved pretty darn good out of the box. They could all be improved upon to one degree or another but they certainly gave a pretty decent shave.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  10. #10
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    I have a question about the honing service. If I bought two blades through classicshaving at the same time is it $20 for each blade? I was wondering because I was thinking about ordering two new straights and a strop this week.

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