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Thread: Newbie With Beard
03-20-2014, 02:13 PM #11
found three on e.bay ,one is a filmarmonic from spain,great for chins and lip area.
03-20-2014, 09:36 PM #12
I've been looking at some narrower blades on Ebay. I'll probably pick one up once I find one I feel comfortable is a good blade sight unseen. Did my dozenth shave today. I only shave on Mondays and Thursdays. Went ATG and XTG on the cheeks with great results. The neck is still a problem area for ATG and XTG as I find it difficult to hold the SR well enough as yet. But i will get it eventually. Meantime, I still clean up with the Harry's. Didn't need any cleanup on the cheeks, both BBS. The neck needed a few more swipes with the Harry's and cleaned up nicely. I am getting the closest shaves I've ever experienced in my VERY long life. Had one small nick above chin and below lower lip. Hardly bled but there was a nick nonetheless. I still really enjoy the ritual of shaving vs. just swiping a blade across my face. I lather several times during a session and love the feel of warm lather.
03-21-2014, 01:29 AM #13
man you are doing good!!Keep up the good work
03-21-2014, 01:53 AM #14
I definitely find reductive passes contribute a lot to comfort and closeness. Have you ever tried light wtg passes before doing atg and xtg? I find that wtg, then xtg, then atg gives the best reductive pattern and tends to leave less irritation, even with 3 passes vs doing atg, xtg alone. Last night I decided to skip my reductive wtg pass and just did atg two passes on the neck and man, did I regret that!
The Following User Says Thank You to silverloaf For This Useful Post:
semperfi6141 (03-21-2014)
03-21-2014, 02:56 AM #15
Yeah, I tend to do very short passes no matter. I just go slow, steady, and careful. Before I picked up the SR it scared me to death. But after watching Lynn's video on SR shaving I gave it a shot. Now I've seen another video recently posted on SRP and it helped me a lot. But I treat the SR shaving experience like a meditation. It takes me a good 45 minutes for the entire practice but I like taking my time with it.
03-21-2014, 11:06 PM #16
I think I might need a valium before shaving need to relax first
man,that shaving cream sure feels better it really stick on and will not dry.
03-22-2014, 09:29 PM #17
My wife is especially loving the BBS skin after I shave. She can't keep her hands off my cheeks.
03-22-2014, 10:20 PM #18
Hmmmm,man,there is still hope for you,thats all under the bridge in my world
more like keep her hands out of my pockets--$$$$.
03-23-2014, 02:39 AM #19
Another shave tonight (I don't shave in the mornings, usually in the afternoon or evening). Got a couple of nicks -- nothing serious -- and some razor burn. My wife got me some face cream with aloe and that soothed everything nicely. All of face and cheeks done with SR and BBS. Neck I did WTG and ATG but not XTG -- can't seem to figure out how to hold the razor for XTG but I know I'll get it eventually. So finished up the neck with a safety razor.
Last edited by RustySterling; 03-23-2014 at 02:41 AM.