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Thread: Older now, but no wiser

  1. #1
    Junior Member jimlewis46's Avatar
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    Default Older now, but no wiser

    I got that great shave on my 68th birthday this past Wednesday; SPNN (Styptic Pencil Not Needed). Well, today I'm older by several days, but unfortunately, no wiser. I was looking for a better angle on my neck, when my evil twin Nick grabbed the razor and put a nice slice right where I had been looking. Gratefully, I had a half a pencil handy. I used that one up and grabbed for the other half. And then another. No wait! If it was really all that bad, I'd still be unconscious. I haven't seen that much blood since the last time I was at the blood bank. Did I mention that I still wound up with a very nice, close and comfortable shave? Well ... I did. And even more looking forward to my next lesson on SR shaving. By the way ... appreciate all the feedback I've gotten. As well as the good help and encouragement you senior guys give to the other newbies. Keep your faces wet and your blades sharp!
    Steel and Dex like this.

  2. #2
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    They do have a way of keeping us on our toes!

    Good to hear you survived to tell the tale.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

  3. #3
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    We do have a "cut of the day thread", please take a camera to the sink next time. Gore sells!

    Glad you survived, hope the lesson sticks eh?

    Oh hey, I have a pal in your town. He's a bicycle guy, last name Ryan.
    Last edited by WadePatton; 03-22-2014 at 04:18 PM.
    Buttery Goodness is the Grail

  4. #4
    Senior Member Ludvig's Avatar
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    Sometimes that happens in the beginning, it might even happen if you are experienced. Not very often though I hope. Every cut you get is one cut closer to net getting cut as often

  5. #5
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    As I've told many friends who asked me about shaving with a straight razor, it is never a task, but an experience. And for me, that is the difference. A task is something on a, "to-do" list, an experience is something that requires time, patience and practice, and is always rewarding, sometimes challenging, and occasionally reminds us that we're all human and can and will make mistakes.

    Such great life lessons, from something as simple as shaving.

    Ohhh....and I know there has to be a life lesson somewhere around the significance of the stypic pencil!
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  6. #6
    Senior Member badg3r's Avatar
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    Glad to hear that you made it through the ordeal... With regards to the "cut of the day thread", I second the idea about posting. I would however caution you about spending too much time looking through the pages of gore before your next shave. I had a months long run of shaving without any issues whatsoever and then I found the cut of the day thread. The next day I introduced my spike to my earlobe and I am attributing it to that cursed thread. The good news appears to be that once you have viewed the thread and repeated one of the errors/lapses that you view, you are completely bulletproof and the demons gone. But then again, I am still frightened to review the thread again to completely test the theory.

    I shaved blindfolded this morning, no issues
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  7. #7
    Senior Member entropy1049's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ludvig View Post
    Every cut you get is one cut closer to net getting cut as often
    !! Enjoy the exquisite taste sharpening sharpening taste exquisite smooth. Please taste the taste enough to ride cutlery.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    i've always wandered how deep would i have to cut to hit my jugular?

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