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  1. #1
    jlb is offline
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    Default Rough edge on microscopic

    I have not been honing long and have run into a dilema. Under microscopic view (50X) my razor's edge has definate hills and valleys no matter what I do.

    Background. It shaves adequately with and across the grain but against the grain it has a tendancy to skip (mostly chin). It isn't like I have a overly course beard either.

    I am honing with 3M Micro abrasive film and mineral oil (15, 5, 0.3 microns respectively).

    I have gone from face chewing sharp to manageable shave sharp but can't seem to get that "cutting through hot butter" shave, especially against the grain.

    Am I correct that the edge should not show these imperfections under the microscope?

    Any words of wisdom are appreciated.


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    also to ask is a 30X magnifier strength adequate?


  3. #3
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    You shouldn't see that at 50x and 30x is adequate, but just barely..

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It depends on what kind of scope you are using. Its not about the magnification its about the resolution. If your using one of those radioshack jobs you need about 100x because the resolution is so poor but if your using a quality instrument you can see more at 30x then you can at 100x with the radio shack. So its hard to answer your question not knowing that. In general the edge should be smooth though.
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  5. #5
    jlb is offline
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    Default update...

    So here is the update. I destroyed a disposable and looked at it under the microscope (look ma, no stitches) and now I know what it is supposed to look like...and knowing is half the battle, go joe.

    Now, how do I get there from here. I went back to the 8K paper-no real change. I went back to the 4K paper-hills and valleys turned into pike's peak and mt Fuji. I went to the 8 K and then the finishing paper-hills and valleys again, this time a bit smaller. Stropping-hills and valleys even shorter but still present and a bit more angular.

    Meanwhile I still get an adequate with the grain shave. Still not hot butter feel.

    I have a TM 4 sided strop coming my way (pasted on 3 sides). Maybe that will help.

    I just feel like I missed something in the early stages of honing and I am still paying for my sins.

  6. #6
    Senior Member xChris's Avatar
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    Here's my WAG (can't say that I'm "Honemeister" class myself)...

    Possibly too much pressure still while honing, and the reason for "hills & valleys" or "the world's top peaks."

  7. #7
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    I'm at a loss. I'd suspect its the paper vs the stones you should be using. Could the paper not be the grit your thinking it is and if it is the right grit could it be lifting when you hone?

    I'd wait for Tony's paddle to arrive. What grits did you get?

  8. #8
    Senior Member Lancer's Avatar
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    I was sure I'd posted this... well anyway.

    What are you mounting the lapping paper/film to? Are you taping it to a piece of flat glass?

  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I'd say ditch the paper. When your strops come try the pasted strop routine and see if there is an improvement otherwise I'd get a Norton 4K/8K and use that.
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  10. #10
    jlb is offline
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    Default another update...

    Nuts to the Norton 4K/8K! Barbers were getting blades to the proper sharpness before Norton came out with their version of the Water stone.

    Just being dramatic but honestly this can be done without an Norton (I think). You are right in that I do need to bite the bullet and purchase some honing equipment (I am working on that).

    The paddle strop is 3, 1, 0.5 respectively. I am excited about its arrival. I went in with a buddy that bought it used along with some razors from SRP.

    Received another strop last night (used but much better than the previous one). I stropped the razor and examined it under the scope and WOW what a difference. The hills and valley's are mere pimples as compared to their previous girth. "Strop funk" was very evident on the edge after the strop as well, yuck, I don't want to run that thing across my money maker with the goo attached. A quick wipe off on a clean cloth did the trick and the razor shaved notibly better. Still unable to pass the HHT though.

    I am excited to get the TM 4 side paddle and see what I can do with the edge with it. I am shopping for barber hones too.

    Aint shaving great!

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