Trying to ge a satisfactory sharpness from the small 3/8 Filarmonica blade ($40 semi-practice investment), and it most certainly needed honing.
I started with a pyramid, but during one of my last runs on the 8000, the blade seemed to have caught into the rock. I did not feel I was putting much pressure, but who knows.
Does this sound like overhoning or perhaps just an unsteady hand/angle?
I started getting the blade to the point it feels like it's cutting into the nail just slightly, but never get it to the sharpness my Theirs-Issard came shipped at.
Is it typical for a new blade to require a heck of a lot to get it at the ready-to-strop sharpness? (I mean a 10/10 and lower then second pyramid starting at 8 strokes either didn't do the trick or overdid it).

On average, would it be uncommon to have to go 20+ strokes on the 4000? Is it safer to stay at 8000 and go more slowly?

(btw I did order Lynn's DVD, I accept the option of just waiting on that :P)