I don't know why people continue to describe straight shavers as obsessive. I know that I certainly am not. Heck, sometimes I strop 100 laps, sometimes 105, and then sometimes only 95. Sure, it might average 100 laps if you do the numbers, but I'm not so obsessive that I would even keep track of the numbers anyway. I'm really casual about it. I figure 95 is 5 less than 100 and 105 is 5 more, but what difference can it really make? Sure, 95 laps is 5% short of the usual 100, but if I don't count out loud, how will the razor even know? I'm so laid back about it that some days I don't even strop. The last day I didn't was 7/11/11. I know because I have it circled on my stropping calendar. Heck, I don't even know what day of the week that was, so there you are!