Quote Originally Posted by JFriendly123 View Post
I probably should clarify my meaning of the title of my post. I wasn't calling the people or the forum obsessive. I meant that I was obsessed with it. I spend hours on it every evening looking at honing, stropping etc. Sorry if caused any offence but looks like I have found the outlet for my OCD .
I have OCD, and we have subject matter than enables it. There is a collection of people here who know so much about it that you want to take their suggestions and run with them. Straight razor shaving offers the best possible way to get a close and comfortable shave, but the variables can be overwhelming during the learning process. At least that was the case for me. I have always been fascinated when I see a straight in movies, so it kept spurring me on until I got it figured out. I'm just now getting the stopping and honing down, but there are people here who can build or rehabilitate a razor, brush, and accessories. Don't think I'll ever develop that level of craftsmanship, but I will say that I'm getting pretty doggone good at using and maintaining a blade. The lather, the angle, and being careful (once I was concentrating so hard I sliced a thumb down to the tendon switching hands) is a magnificent obsession that you don't get using a safety razor or those products you see in a typical drugstore or department store.