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Thread: Benchmarking
04-09-2014, 03:44 AM #11
That and I think also that one should really stick to the basics for a while. Learn how to do it all without pastes and exotic stones first, so that you can base what you are venturing into with a critical eye. IE Benchmark.
As an example, I really only ever wanted to hone via my coti. Now don't get me wrong - there is a place for everything, but my coti was woefully under-gunned when I began to buy eBay blades. It simply could not set a bevel.
I banged my head day after day, and pulled out my beard to the point where tears lubricated my face. I came here and many told me to buy at min a 1K. But I had read everything on the net and knew that the coti was magic! Clearly it was I who was just doing something wrong. So I continued on in spite of what people who know better told me because for every one person who actually knows what the deal is there is another 5 guys like me who are convinced there is a better way - and they might be right - for them.
Ultimately, had I just done what many of those I should have trusted told me to do, or read the information in the Library here, I would have saved myself some serious heart-ache.... I just wanted my coti to perform as all the magic pushers had said it would. Moreover, I would have discovered what I great rock I had for the mid-grades!
Of course there is a place in my rotation for my coti now. Moreover, I have learned to use it much better after not stressing if this time it'll work as I have a set of Nani's that'll do the job if it doesn't.
More importantly - I am listening more too. When Lynn told me to just do a couple of runs on the crox, I did. And it worked! More isn't always better! Even though before I forgot - I should have reread the library info to remind me.
When I read that you should not progress to the next hone until every part of your blade is honed with the stone you are using... I should have taken that as gospel rather than think the next level would do it.
In short - I should have calmed down and read twice and did once lol!! And when I began to falter, I should have re-read. I should have consulted my benchmark. You know?
Anyway I am rambling lol!!David