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Thread: New member from Los Angeles!

  1. #1
    Junior Member Jefe's Avatar
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    Default New member from Los Angeles!

    Hello all! I'd like to take just a short moment of your time and introduce myself. My name is Alexi and I currently call home Los Angeles, by way of Cleveland, Ohio. I own a restaurant with my pops and have a small collection of classic cars......well......2......but still consider it a collection non-the-less.

    For years I have wanted to use a straight razor like my grandfather and his father did. Something about it had always made me think that using a straight razor was "how it should be done, and how it should be." Wished, hoped, wanted, it's now all in the past. I'm now 32 and finally ready to take a crack at shaving with a straight razor. I believe that shaving with a straight razor is a time honored tradition passed down from father to son. Almost as a right of passage in a way. I wasn't given that opportunity growing up as my father used an electric, but one day, I would like to pass it down to my son, whenever that time may be.

    Jumping into a new hobby as well as an online forum can be daunting for a newb. This I understand as I have been a newb on many cigar forums in the past few years. I try my best to get the lingo and abbreviations down as quick as possible before I ask the questions most of you hate answering like "what does Dovo mean". I hope to be able to contribute to the forum soon!

    This may have been long winded but I hoped it came off as a proper way to introduce myself into a community that shares one common interest: the only way to shave.

    Last edited by Jefe; 04-10-2014 at 01:45 AM.

  2. #2
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Well played Iceni! Well played.

    Welcome in Jefe,
    Glad to see a new member that wants to embrace this time honored practice.
    and yes 2 is a collection because it is more than you need
    as for the acronyms here is a link for the trouble spots Acronyms and Abbreviations - Straight Razor Place Library

    Hope it helps!

    Check out the library, plenty of great information and please feel free to ask any questions you have.
    A wealth of information is at your fingertips here and if you don't find it just ask.

    Iceni likes this.
    It is just Whisker Whacking
    Relax and Enjoy!

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to pfries For This Useful Post:

    Jefe (04-10-2014)

  4. #3
    No that's not me in the picture RoyalCake's Avatar
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    Welcome from a fellow member in so cal. Keep in touch and look out for meets - we may have one this summer. We had one last fall and it was a blast.
    Let us know if you get some equipment and if you need any help!

    What kind of restaurant?
    I love living in the past...

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Hmmm restaurant.....How many razor heads will it hold and can we bring sharp objects inside? :<0) Hello and Welcome. I too am in your backyard and like Royalcake said keep an eye out for a meet. Small get together s are fun too.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to 10Pups For This Useful Post:

    Jefe (04-10-2014)

  7. #5
    Junior Member Jefe's Avatar
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    Thanks for the warm welcome! Spent the past night getting lost on all the pages and topics here. I feel like I 1/2 way can hold a conversation on razors now. Not yet of course haha.

    Restaurant is up in the San Fernando Valley. It's an all American diner. Comfort food, steaks, lamb, country gravy, you name it!
    RoyalCake likes this.

  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, Alexi! It sounds like you are geared up for this sport. Excellent. Take your time and have fun. This is the best sight around. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Good luck!
    Jefe likes this.

  9. #7
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jefe View Post
    Hello all! I'd like to take just a short moment of your time and introduce myself. My name is Alexi and I currently call home Los Angeles, by way of Cleveland, Ohio. I own a restaurant with my pops and have a small collection of classic cars......well......2......but still consider it a collection non-the-less.

    For years I have wanted to use a straight razor like my grandfather and his father did. Something about it had always made me think that using a straight razor was "how it should be done, and how it should be." Wished, hoped, wanted, it's now all in the past. I'm now 32 and finally ready to take a crack at shaving with a straight razor. I believe that shaving with a straight razor is a time honored tradition passed down from father to son. Almost as a right of passage in a way. I wasn't given that opportunity growing up as my father used an electric, but one day, I would like to pass it down to my son, whenever that time may be.

    Jumping into a new hobby as well as an online forum can be daunting for a newb. This I understand as I have been a newb on many cigar forums in the past few years. I try my best to get the lingo and abbreviations down as quick as possible before I ask the questions most of you hate answering like "what does Dovo mean". I hope to be able to contribute to the forum soon!

    This may have been long winded but I hoped it came off as a proper way to introduce myself into a community that shares one common interest: the only way to shave.

    You and I are kindred spirits, in that our dads used electric razors. If my dad were still around today he'd probably have a fit if he saw me shaving with a straight.

    I am a native of Los Angeles, so we've got a California connection but for the past 42 years have made my home in Lafayette, LA.

    I can answer the Dovo question. It is a leading manufacturer of straight razors. "Dovo" is short for the original partners that formed the company, a Mr. Dorp and a Mr. Voos.

    The key to learning straight razor shaving is being patient, and approaching it with an attitude of enjoyment. This is something you want to do, not something you have to do.

    There are videos galore at YouTube that demonstrate the various aspects of straight shaving. I have learned an awful lot from the members here.

    Just fire away about any questions you may have and we'll do our level best to get you pointed in the right direction.
    Jefe likes this.

    Straight razor shaver and loving it!
    40-year survivor of electric and multiblade razors

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to CaliforniaCajun For This Useful Post:

    Jefe (04-10-2014)

  11. #8
    Senior Member Walterbowens's Avatar
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    Hi,and welcome to the SRP family where disorders abound. You better look out for the disorders, because they are vveerryy.... sneaky!!!!!!
    Jefe likes this.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Walterbowens For This Useful Post:

    Jefe (04-10-2014)

  13. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. Any questions feel free to ask. There is always someone willing to help here.
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to eddy79 For This Useful Post:

    Jefe (04-11-2014)

  15. #10
    Senior Member k5MOW's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum.

    Have a great shave.


  16. The Following User Says Thank You to k5MOW For This Useful Post:

    Jefe (04-11-2014)

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