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Thread: TI or Boker

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Thanked: 8


    If I can make a suggestion. I am fairly new as well so I can come at this with your perspective I believe. They number one are correct SRAD will hit before you even realize it so just f e the fact you will have both.... Finances allowing eventually. That's out of the way ..... I have a Thiers-Issard Spartaus 889 in 5/8 with amber tortoise shells ......; it is an amazing razor I also have a new Boker 5/8 and a vintage H.Boker model 1056 in mint condition. The Bokers shave just as good !!!! Let me give you a 3rd and even better option, a 5/8 Ralf Aust ,....... I know it's not TI or Boker , but will shave every bit as good in Germany Aust is considered equal to Dovo and Boker ....... And it is only $99 opposed to $300 and your just getting started ! Use that other $200 buy a good 3" strop a stand for the razor a new cream or soap and some after shave and with the remaining $50 fill your car up with gas. Seriously I own 2 Ralf Aust razors they are top-notch you will NOT regret it.

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    And for good measure here is the Boker 1056 on the left and the TI on the right

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  2. #12
    Senior Member Lumberjohn's Avatar
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    Deurne, the Netherlands
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    So have you been able to make a choice and if yes, what is it? Not to nosy, just like to know
    “We are what we repeatedly do. Greatness then, is not an act, but a habit”
    ― Aristotle

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Cary ,NC
    Thanked: 3


    I don't have a Boker, But I love my TI.

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