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Thread: Last minute advice
04-18-2014, 12:48 AM #11
If your skin is sore and you still have bloody bits then leave it for a day or two, shaving raw skin everyday is not pleasant, trust me - i did it. I try not to get my razor wet when i shave, so post shave i just wipe it off and strop it, i only use oil (inox) if i am not going to use a razor for a while. But i also dont worry about patina, water spots etc so if my blade gets a bit discoloured from a bit of soap residue etc it doesnt worry me. If you want to keep your blade shinythen a bit more care would be needed.
You should really get some sort of post shave moisturiser/ balm for your face, either vit e cream or nivea sensitive are what i used to use, vit e helps to promote skin healing which is a positive bonus for the new straight razor userBread and water can so easily become tea and toast
04-18-2014, 01:34 PM #12
I'm with Ed here. If you skin has been damaged in any way don't shave it as it will just take longer to heal and result in poor uncomfortable shaves. Next shave use less pressure. You want the blade to touch the skin without any pressure. If you skin indents the slightest at the point of contact you are using to much pressure. Skin stretching is also very important. Even if you buy a shave cream from the shops and use your hands to apply it will still probably be better than a gel. Good luck and remember this will take time.
My wife calls me.........Can you just use Ed
04-18-2014, 02:23 PM #13
It's so hard to give advice. Shaving style, Skin type, Blade used, is all so personal.
I shave differently than most here. Use pressure, I've gotten to a point where I've become unconsciously sensitive to pressure.
After a lot of trail and error and cost, my suggestion is to start with a Feather Str8, or a clone, and a Proguard blade. You always work with a known, a sharp safe blade. Learn the basics with the Feather and then move to a basic str8.