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Thread: Newbie in need of seasoned scuttle advice

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Newbie in need of seasoned scuttle advice

    I've been shaving now for just over two weeks and Ive come to the conclusion that I like the bowl lather method over the straight face lather.

    Up to now I have been using a deep soup bowl that I have "modified" with epoxy to give a bit of texture which I then place in the sink filled with hot water. Now I feel the need for a proper shaving scuttle.

    Looking about there seems to be a surprising lack of people actually making scuttles and I have only managed to find two that I think will suit my needs (be big enough to actually make lather in and keep it hot for around 30 mins). The two in question are the George town pottery's G20 and the largest one made by Dirty Bird.

    Whichever one I choose will need to be shipped to the UK and as far as price goes they are both pretty much the same. At the moment I prefer the look of the G20 but I'm more interested in how they perform than the actual look. Has anyone had any experience with both scuttles and does one outshine the other ?

    Also I'd like to know if there are any other scuttles out there that I've missed that would suit me

    If there is one place that I will be able to find this info out I know it will be from the kind help full people here

  2. #2
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    I have the big one made by dirty bird and it works great. I actually thought it might be too big but I've gotten used to it. Having never tried the g20 I can't comment on that part

  3. #3
    Senior Member entropy1049's Avatar
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    I have a Moss. Leisurely 3 pass shaves are no problem. Nice heavy construction. Just to further complicate your decision

    Have heard great things about the DB though, and suspect it may wind up in my trial queue.
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  4. #4
    Mr. Myrsol Lakebound's Avatar
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    I own and recommend a scuttle from Schwartzweisskeramik in Germany. I use their S-Scuttle everyday and wouldn't be without it.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    I know your dilema but I just can't justify $70-$100 plus for a scuttle (a fancy double bowl) delivered to Aus.
    all of the items mentioned already I have read are great so really I thik it comes down to the final $$ & your choice of design you like

    I just use a 3" stone bowl to lather in & since I whipe my blade on a sponge between passes I just keep my bowl in hot water in the sink on my face towel while I shave & my lather stays warm
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    to shave another day.

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Whatever you buy just make sure the thing holds plenty of water otherwise it will not keep the lather warm very long. The early Georgetown's did not hold much. I have the Oscar from Germany and it holds around 20 ounces.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member tedh75's Avatar
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    I have a g-12 and I love it. It can take me as long as an hour to complete 4 passes with a straight. If prepared properly, while not exactly hot; I will have warm lather through the fourth pass. I would imagine with a larger reservoir; the g-20 would stay hot longer. That being said; the Schwartzweissketmik scuttle is heavy earthenware I believe(correct me if I'm wrong Frank) and as such should hold the heat longer than thinner stoneware or porcelain. And there is a spot for your brush.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Ted, an hour, How come?

    Why not just add more hot water? or just run the brush under hot running water, I just flick it on the handle in hot water to warm the lather.

  9. #9
    Senior Member tedh75's Avatar
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    I don't know. I'm not known for being fast. Chasing the perfect baby smooth shave i guess. Sometimes I strop in between passes. I relather if it dries out. I have added more hot water on occasion and I do flick the brush under hot water sometimes and remix the lather. Maybe I enjoy the piece and quiet. I confess i am in no hurry as iIshave at night and do enjoy the experience. I am also still experimenting and trying to optimize my shave routine.
    My main point was to let Mike know that if the G-12 keeps lather warm for me then the G-20 should work for him
    Last edited by tedh75; 05-01-2014 at 11:06 PM.
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    “To be fair, I did have a couple of gadgets which he probably didn’t, like a teaspoon and an open mind.”
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  10. #10
    Senior Member sheajohnw's Avatar
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    Given your EU location, I would look at Woodhead and Schwartzweisskeramik. I use a Woodhead and it works well.

    Larger will keep lather warm longer. The warmer the lather, the more frequently you will need to dip your brush tip in water and rehydrate and remix the lather.

    I recommend reading and viewing the Chimensch 30th anniversary shave thread and video where he uses the Schwartzweisskeramik scuttle during his SR shave.

    Last edited by sheajohnw; 05-01-2014 at 03:12 AM.

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