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Thread: Shaving with only a kettle of water & handheld mirror. No pressurised tap water.

  1. #11
    Senior Member Splashone's Avatar
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    What great misdeed did you commit to have the gods condemn you to live with 3 high maintenance women?
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  2. #12
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    As noted, why complicate things with a kettle? Wash, rinse your face, lather and swish a DE with cold water; or wipe a straight blade clean with a damp washcloth.
    Last edited by MisterMoo; 05-22-2014 at 11:37 PM.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splashone View Post
    What great misdeed did you commit to have the gods condemn you to live with 3 high maintenance women?
    This makes me laugh also as I have a mate who can't quite blow stalks either with 4 Daughters & the Bride he is screwed.
    hes lucky to see the vote let alone get 1,
    & they wonder why he has a big shed LOL
    Trimmy72 and Mcbladescar like this.
    to shave another day.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    On vacation I take my Feather Straight with Proguard blades. Can get a very good shave with only 2 passes and a minimum amount of lather. Very clean, very fast.
    You might want to try it.
    (When in a real rush I use a Gillette '04. I can manage with one pass and only water!)

  5. #15
    Senior Member Mcbladescar's Avatar
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    I started to feel sorry for ya until i saw the cause
    However, living in what i would think a pretty nice weather region, +1 to shaving outdoors with a straight!
    You really dont need much water to shave once your lather is made
    Good Luck,

  6. #16
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    I was just having a sinilar problem.
    Untill last week, i shaved with my high-tech no-good Gillette razor, so hot water was not so much necessery. Whwe starting to shave with a SR, it seemed like hot water was a necessity. Now, living in Israel, where water is not to be wasted, i cant leave the tap running in order to keep the water hot.
    Long story short, i remembered my dad shaving with the sink half-full with hot water, washing his safty razor in it after tapping it on the edge of the sink. So i tried in my last shave dipping my SR in water i filled the sink with, ans wiping it with a clean cloth.
    It worked
    Now, i don't know if it damages the blade in any way, but this is my practice razor and i got it for experimenting
    About your morning problem: one of the great things i found out about SR shaving is that your face remains shaved for longer period. My beard (and hair in general) grow extremely fast, and my whiskers remain taimed for about 20 hours

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomicnewbie View Post
    I have trouble getting even 1 shave per week in my house, because I can't access the bathroom in the morning due to living with 3 high maintenance women.
    I'd start by waking up a few minutes earlier than them and doing your morning "business" in there.

    I mean, really get down to "business".

    Once it's good and ripe, I doubt any of them will want to set foot in there for 35-45 minutes. Plenty of time to knock out a shave.

  8. #18
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Lots of good advice here!

    I'd suggest definitely trying shaving at night. Many of us actually prefer that as it offers a nice, relaxed time to just enjoy the process without having to worry about getting to work, others needing the bathroom, etc.

    As for clearing lather off the blade, there are many ways to do this, and much digital ink spilled here on those questions! Many wipe on a cloth, many on a wet sponge, and many rinse under running water. Just be mindful of the tap if you do that - it's easy to ding the blade.

    Back to your original question, yes, you can certainly enjoy a straight shave with a minimal setup. When camping I'll sometimes take along a straight just for the heck of it. I have no reason whatsoever to do this in terms of any need to shave. After all as a dirtbag camper in the middle of nowhere it's not like I'm heading to a meeting or a fancy restaurant. I do it just because the enjoyable process of shaving with a straight becomes a fantastically enjoyable experience shaving with a straight outdoors. And of course hot water is optional. Search for cold water shaving on the site here and you'll see there are many who enjoy it. Favourite time is autumn with the changing colours, geese flying overhead, maybe some deer wandering around by the camp... But I'm getting sidetracked.

    So FWIW, I'd suggest indulging your curiosity and trying out a straight while at the same time not abandoning your DE. Work the straight in as and when you can, and do try it at night. You might like it.

    Good luck!

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